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Submitted Comments:
Zuzana says: Will not work at rank 14.
Virilneus says: I can confirm it it will not work as of rank 14 as well.
Zeui says: the recipe isnt working for me...it did the first time i tried it about two months ago..havent done alchemy since then...and the ayana berry works too..it did then..and after i put it in the cauldron..it says its ayana leaf in it...so can someone tell me what im doing wrong?
Artoriosdemer says: Turquoise stone must be powdered now.
Khenan says: You can also pick it up in the Cleric's Guild pretty quickly.
Halgur says: Now you need to simmer between the ayana and the turquoise stone.
Anonymous says: If you grind the turquoise stone, and simmer between the ayana leaf and adding the stone, it works just fine.
1. Add water (x1)
2. Add ayana leaf (x1)
3. Simmer (x1)
4. Add ground turquoise stone (x1)
5. Boil (x1)
6. Add small daisy (x2)
7. Chant 101 (x1)
8. Seal (x1)
Reshil says: I'm getting a weird comment when i try to chant 101. says "You should remain disciplined in your studies and stick with the task the Training Administrator gave you.
You need to have something in there first!
You close your eyes and chant quietly under your breath." And I fail every time, any ideas?
Bronwen says: Be sure you are saying alchemy chant 101, not chant 101