Submitted Comments:
Lalan says: This recipe will no longer work for tough reps beginning at Rank 15.
Dalzashel says: This stopped working for me at rank 14.
bonesnapper says: no go on this one at rank 14
Harleen says: Does this recipe require you to do something with the Leaf first? It seems to fail everytime I do it. Can if fail just because I'm new to it?
Zizzle says: This recipe does not give reps at 13 ranks.
Zizzle says: Correction: This does give reps at 13, just need to do all tough reps in order of skill to get a rep.
Rorge says: Inky black haze is successful
Drayce says: Repeated testing has produced the following information. Successful brewing produces an inky black haze, costs 22 mana(1 to light cauldron, 5 to boil, 16 to seal) will pay 50 silver during teaching Master reps and can be brewed successfully beginning at rank 2.
Gwenif says: inky black haze was not successful for me. Last pulse of seal shows that it ruined.
Alshatir says: at rank 1 i received the inky black haze, but the potion was unsuccessful. must mean i did the potion right, just not enough ranks
Rilla says: You need to be on the second rank of general alchemy to do this.