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(704) pale glimmering dust
Submitted by Simmer
Approximate Difficulty: Rank 19
Alchemy Discipline: Trinkets
Guild Taught: sorcerer (doesn't mean exclusively)
You will need...:
- ingredient powder solution (x1)
- ingredient clear tourmaline (x1)
- ingredient pale translucent dust (x1)
- boil (x1)
- ingredient ayanad crystal (x1)
- simmer (x1)
- chant phase spell (704) (x1)
- seal (x1)
Purchase pale glimmering dust at the following player shops:
Submitted Comments:
says: How do you activate the dust?
Rontuu says: Wave the dust at the target. It enacts a CS warding roll. (For use against non-corporeal undead.)
Allereli says: Stops working at 34
Moredin says: sorry to correct you Rontuu, but I spent 20 minutes trying to wave the stuff so I thought i'd save someone else the TOSS it at a target
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This MMORPG fan website was created to house alchemy data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.