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rough stick of white chalk (corrected)

Submitted by Morgause

Add trinket oil, add 2 doses of powdered white marble, add s\'ayanad crystal and boil.

Approximate Difficulty: Rank 2
Alchemy Discipline: Trinkets
Guild Taught: Sorcerer (doesn't mean exclusively)

You will need...:

  1. ingredient trinket oil (x1)
  2. ingredient powdered white marble (x2)
  3. ingredient s'ayanad crystal (x1)
  4. boil (x1)

Submitted Comments:

Works as local (intra-Realm)Planar Shift chalk.



Asenora says:
The western alternative uses two doses of powdered white clam shell instead of the marble. The other steps remain the same. Alternative formula Master-taught at rank 1 of Trinkets.

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This MMORPG fan website was created to house alchemy data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.