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eoveneh potion
Submitted by Rimalon
Credit to WYNTRFRSH on the officials for discovering it.
Approximate Difficulty: Rank Libra
Alchemy Discipline: Potions
Guild Taught: Wizard (doesn't mean exclusively)
You will need...:
- ingredient water (x1)
- ingredient powdered uncut diamond (x1)
- ingredient essence of water (x1)
- simmer (x1)
- ingredient minor holy oil (x1)
- ingredient faintly radiant dust (x1)
- infuse mana (x1)
- ingredient radiant white soulstone (x1)
- chant Enchant Item (925) (x1)
- seal (x1)
Submitted Comments:
Rimalon says: Allows for enchantment of sanctified gear.
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This MMORPG fan website was created to house alchemy data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.