Welcome to GS4 Room Data. Using this system you can find and mark locations for foragables in GS4, the MMORPG online roleplaying game by Simutronics. Also you can view more room details such as Climate & Terrain as well as more herb details. Anyone can add an herb location, but only registered rangers can add climate & terrain data. If you're a ranger and would like to register please email me at virilneus@ this website. Thanks to Tsoran for the maps.

Buy My Stuff:Awesome Wiz/Sorc Enhancives: All Levels, Scripted, Non-Crumbly +5 MIU Anklet 300k. +5 EMC bracelet (wear two) 350k. +5 Arcane Symbols anklet 400k. +5 Demonology wristcuff (wear two - helps with balefire) 400k. +5 Necromancy bangle (wear two) 400k.
Enhancive Gloves Enhance Spell Aiming & Weapon Skills. Increase your AS without using up a prime slot. Noncrumbly, rechargable. Spell Aiming Two Handers Edged Weapons Brawling Thrown Ranged

As mentioned in this post I would like to see Curse changed to be verb based and then have 716 and 713 rolled into it as those two spells are just novelty attack spells and more or less match all the other curses in power. This would free up 713 and 716 for different attack spells. ...read more

TOWNS: Icemule Trace | Mist Harbor | River's Rest | Ta'Illistim | Ta'Vaalor | Teras Isle | Vornavis | Wehnimer's Landing | Zul Logoth |
MAPS: homes3 | IMT-rift | IMT-east-west-north-gates | IMT-pinefar | IMT-icemule | IMT-south-gate | IMT-trail | IMT-underground |
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Guessing Engine OnATTN: You are using this site's guessing engine to search for wild lilac. It is important you understand that the marks here are merely guesses, and may not be right. They're also not the only possible locations as the website only lists very high probability locations to prevent false positives. Finally, if these guesses turn out to be accurate, please make the site better by marking the herb in the locations where you find it.

wild lilac

EnvironmentsDid you know wild lilac grows in the following environments:
temperate - deciduous
humid - deciduous
temperate - hilly
temperate - riparian
temperate - barren scrub
cold, damp - deciduous
cold, damp - barren scrub
cold, damp - riparian
cold, damp - hilly
hot, damp - deciduous
humid - barren scrub
hot, damp - riparian
hot, damp - hilly
temperate - grassland
temperate - rough
humid - riparian
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for wild lilac. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine.
Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on wild lilac at the GS4 Alchemy Site.

  • angelica root
  • arctic moss
  • bearberries
  • blue trafel mushroom
  • bolmara lichen
  • bright red teaberry
  • brostheras grass
  • buckthorn berry
  • calamintha blossom
  • crowberry
  • cuctucae berry
  • frostflower
  • frostweed
  • golden aster
  • handful of pinenuts
  • handful of snowberries
  • iceblossom
  • lingonberry
  • loganberry
  • marallis berry
  • orange rowanberry
  • pale thornberry
  • pennyroyal stem
  • pine cone
  • pine needles
  • red winterberry
  • rockberry
  • sassafras leaf
  • small loganberry
  • snow lily
  • snow pansy
  • soft white mushroom
  • sprig of edelweiss
  • sprig of larkspur
  • stalk of bluebells
  • stalk of chicory
  • sweetfern stalk
  • talneo root
  • Tkaro Root
  • tree bark
  • tundra grass
  • valerian root
  • wavepetal blossom
  • white hook mushroom
  • wild lilac
  • willow twig
  • wingstem root
  • winter rose
  • wintergreen leaf
  • withered black mushroom
  • yew twig

  • Add New Foragable:
    This MMORPG fan website was created to house foraging data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.