Adding/Marking: angelica root
EnvironmentsDid you know angelica root grows in the following environments:temperate - grassland temperate - deciduous temperate - plain dirt temperate - cultivated snowy, arctic - coniferous glacial - mountainous snowy, arctic - mountainous cold, dry - mountainous temperate - coniferous temperate - hilly cold, damp - deciduous cold, damp - plain dirt cold, damp - coniferous snowy, arctic - cultivated cold, dry - hilly cold, dry - plain dirt cold, damp - hilly cold, dry - deciduous snowy, arctic - grassland cold, damp - mountainous snowy, arctic - plain dirt temperate - mountainous cold, dry - grassland snowy, arctic - hilly glacial - cultivated snowy, arctic - deciduous glacial - hilly cold, damp - cultivated cold, damp - grassland glacial - plain dirt glacial - coniferous cold, dry - cultivated cold, dry - coniferous snowy, arctic - hard, flat temperate - hard, flat
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for angelica root. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine. Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on angelica root at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:
(color) clover blossomacantha leafacantha leaf';select * from rooms;alder barkaloeas stemalyssumambrominas leafangelica rootayana leafayana weedayana'al leafbasal mossbeechnutblack hblack hook mushroomblack trafel mushroombleeding-heartbloodwood twigblue passionflowerblue trafel mushroomblue water lilyblue whortleberrybluebellsbolmara lichenbolmara mossbranch of kerriabright red cranberrybright red teaberrybroken twigbrostheras grassbunch of wild grapesbur-clover rootcactacae spinecalamia fruitcave mosscluster of woad lcluster of woad leavescoppery rain lilycothinar flowercuctucae berrydaggerstalk mushrodaggerstalk mushroomdark pink rain ldark pink rain lilydeep purple shockrootebony twigelanthian snow roseephlox mossfennelfennel bulbfiddleheadfiddlehead fernfire lilyflathead mushroomfragrantfragrant white lilygenkew mushroomginger rootgolden astergolden buttercupgrapesgreen tomatohandful of blueberrieshandful of currantshandful of elderberrieshandful of pinenutshandful of raspberrieshandful of walnutshaphip rootheath asterhoneysuckle vinehop flowersimaera's laceiris blossomironfern rootkylan berrylarge white gardenialavendlavenderleafy arugulaluckbloom blossommarallis berrymonkey grassmoonlight cactus-bloommotherwortmountain dryanmurdrootmurkweednightbloom blossomoak twigorange tomatoorris rootoxblood lilypale yellow daffodilpennyroyal stempepperthorn rootpine conepine needlespink clover blossompink passionflowerpink rain lilypothinir grasspumpkinpurple clover blossompurple crocuspurple passionflowerred cherriesred clover blossomred passionflowerred tomatored trafel mushroomrose-marrow rootsassafras leafslender twigsmall applesmall carnationsmall daisysmall flowersmall primrosesmall pumpkinsmall rosesmall violetsmall wild rosesnapdragon stalksoft white mushroomsovyn clovespearmintspearmint leafsprig of alyssumsprig of bleeding-heartsprig of hollysprig of ivysprig of jasminesprig of larkspursprig of lavendersprig of mistletoesprig of mournbloomsprig of wild lilacstalk of bluebellsstalk of burdockstalk of cattailstalk of chicorystalk of goldenrodstem of freesia flowersStickstrigae cactusstriped heart mushroomstriped tomatostrof seaweedsunburst blossomsweetfern stalktalneo rootthe pepperthorn root one lights up.tiger lilytkaro roottorban leaftraesharm berrytree barktrollfear mushroomtwisted twigvalerian rootwater chestnutwavepetal blosswavepetal blossomwhite baneberrywhite clover blossomwhite hook mushroomwhite lilywhite passionflowerwhite water lilywild beechnutwild carrotwild chokecherrywild gooseberrywild grapeswild lilacwild orchidwild pansy blossomwild pink geraniumwild strawberrywild tulipwillow twigwingstem rootwintergreen leafwiregrasswithered black mushroomwoad leaveswolifrew lichenwoth floweryabathilium fruityellow clover blossomyellow passionfloweryellow primroseyellow tomatoyellow water lilyyew twig
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