Adding/Marking: bolmara lichen
EnvironmentsDid you know bolmara lichen grows in the following environments:temperate - deciduous temperate - subterranean snowy, arctic - coniferous cold, dry - mountainous humid - deciduous temperate - hilly temperate - muddy wetlands snowy, arctic - mountainous cold, damp - deciduous cold, damp - subterranean saltwater - muddy wetlands cold, damp - coniferous temperate - coniferous cold, dry - hilly cold, damp - hilly cold, dry - deciduous cold, damp - mountainous moist - muddy wetlands humid - mountainous temperate - mountainous moist - deciduous hot, damp - deciduous humid - muddy wetlands cold, damp - muddy wetlands snowy, arctic - deciduous snowy, arctic - hilly moist - coniferous hot, damp - hilly snowy, arctic - hard, flat temperate - barren scrub cold, dry - coniferous freshwater - deciduous moist - barren scrub
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for bolmara lichen. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine. Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on bolmara lichen at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:
(color) clover blossomacantha leafaloeas stemambrominas leafangelica rootayana berryayana leafbasal mossblack trafel mushroomsbloodwood twigblossomblue passionflowerblue trafel mushroombolmara lichenbright red teaberrybrostheras grassbunch of wild grapesbur-clover rootcactacae spinecalamia fruitcave mosscoppery rain lilycorndaggerstalk mushroomdark pink rain lilydeep pink rain lilyear of cornebony twigflaming violetflathead mushroomflathead mushroomsfragrant white lilygengew mushroomgenkew mushroomgolden buttercupgolden flaeshorn berryhandful of blueberrieshandful of currantshandful of elderberrieshandful of huckleberrieshandful of oatshandful of raspberriesheath asterimaeras laceironfern rootkylan berrylayer of onion skinluckbloom blossommistweedmotherwortmurdrootmurkweedoak twigonion skinorange heliconiaoxblood lilypeapodpepperthorn rootpine needlespink clover blossompink petuniapothinir grasspurple clover blossompurple eggplantpurple passionflowerpurple petuniaraspberriesred clover blossomred heliconiarose-marrow rootrosemaryround white eggplantsagebrush rootsmall bananasmall branch of acaciasmall daisysmall dandelionsmall flowersmall peapodsmall primrosesmall rosesmall violetsoft white mushroomsovyn clovespider lilysprig of alyssumsprig of larkspursprig of mistletoesprig of rosemarysprig of thanotstalk of bluebellsstalk of cattailstalk of chicorystalk of goldenrodstalk of wormwoodstickstrand of seaweedstriped heart mushroomssunburst blossomtalneo roottiger lilytkaro roottorban leaftree barktrollfear mushroomvermillion fire lilywater chestnutwater chestnutswavepetal blossomwhite alligator lilywhite clover blossomwhite eggplantwhite passionflowerwhite petuniawild chokecherrywild gooseberrieswild gooseberrywild lilacwild pink geraniumwild strawberrywingstem rootwintergreen leafwiregrasswithered black mushroomwolifrew lichenwormwoodwoth floweryabathilium fruityellow clover blossomyellow heliconiayellow passionfloweryellow primroseyew twig
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