Adding/Marking: soft white mushroom
EnvironmentsDid you know soft white mushroom grows in the following environments:temperate - grassland temperate - deciduous temperate - cultivated temperate - subterranean humid - deciduous temperate - muddy wetlands temperate - hilly cold, damp - subterranean temperate - coniferous arid, temperate - subterranean cold, damp - coniferous cold, damp - deciduous temperate - riparian cold, damp - hilly cold, damp - riparian moist - riparian moist - muddy wetlands humid - grassland hot, damp - deciduous moist - deciduous hot, damp - riparian moist - hilly humid - muddy wetlands cold, damp - grassland cold, damp - cultivated temperate - hard, flat humid - coniferous humid - plain dirt moist - grassland snowy, arctic - coniferous humid - cultivated hot, damp - hilly humid - riparian cold, damp - muddy wetlands hot, damp - grassland
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for soft white mushroom. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine. Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on soft white mushroom at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:
(color) clover blossomacantha leafambrominas leafangelica rootayana leafayana lichenbarley grassbasal mossblaestonberry blossombloodwood twigblue trafel mushroomblue whortleberrybluebellsblueberriesbolmara lichenbright red cranberrybright red teaberrybroken twigbrostheras grassbunch of wild grapesbur-clover rootbutterflyweedcactacae spinecalamia fruitcave mosschicorychokecherryclematiscluster of butterflyweedcoppery rain lilycorncranberrycrimson dragonstalkcuctucae berrycurrantsdaggerstalk mushroomdaisydark pink rain lilydeep purple shockrootear of cornebony twigephlox mossfennel bulbfiddlehead fernfigfive-petaled violet shining roseflathead mushroomflatheadmushroomfragrant white lilygenkew mushroomgolden astergolden buttercupgoldenrodgrapeshandful of blueberrieshandful of elderberrieshandful of huckleberrieshandful of pinenutshandful of raspberrieshaphip rootheath asterhoneysuckle vineimaeras laceironfern rootjuicy plumlady slipper blossomlarge sunflowerluckbloom blossommarallis berrymistletoemonkeyflowermoonflowermotherwortmountain dryanmurdrootmurkweedmustard seedsnettle leafnightbloom blossomoak twigoxblood lilypennyroyal stempepperthorn rootpine conepine needlespinenutspink clover blossompurple clover blossomred clover blossomrose-marrow rootsassafras leafsilver-edged fernslender twigsmall applesmall daisysmall dandelionsmall flowersmall primrosesmall rosesmall turnipsmall violetsmall wild rosesoft white mushroomsovyn clovesprig of alyssumsprig of columbinesprig of foxglovesprig of hollysprig of ivysprig of jasminesprig of larkspursprig of lavendersprig of mournbloomsprig of sky-blue delphinurissprig of sneezeweedsprig of wild lilacsprig of wild phloxstalk of bluebellsstalk of burdockstalk of chicorystalk of goldenrodstalk of monkeyflowerstargazer lilystick (various)sunburst blossomsweetfern stalktalneo rootthymetkaro roottorban leaftree barktrollfear mushroomtwisted twigvalerian rootwavepetal blossomwheat grasswhite baneberrywhite clover blossomwhite hook mushroomwild chokecherrywild gooseberrywild lilacwild orchidwild pansy blossomwild pink geraniumwild sagewild strawberrywingstem rootwintergreen leafwithered black mushroomwolfsbane rootwolifrew lichenwood violetwoth floweryellow clover blossomyellow primroseyew twig
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