Adding/Marking: sweetfern stalk
EnvironmentsDid you know sweetfern stalk grows in the following environments:snowy, arctic - coniferous cold, dry - mountainous snowy, arctic - mountainous cold, damp - plain dirt glacial - mountainous cold, damp - coniferous snowy, arctic - cultivated cold, dry - deciduous cold, damp - deciduous cold, dry - hilly cold, damp - hilly cold, dry - plain dirt cold, damp - mountainous snowy, arctic - grassland snowy, arctic - plain dirt cold, dry - grassland snowy, arctic - hilly glacial - cultivated cold, damp - grassland snowy, arctic - deciduous glacial - hilly cold, damp - cultivated glacial - plain dirt glacial - coniferous cold, dry - cultivated temperate - coniferous arid, temperate - mountainous snowy, arctic - hard, flat
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for sweetfern stalk. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine. Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on sweetfern stalk at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:
(color) clover blossomacantha leafaloaes stemambrominas leafangelica rootbasal mossblack trafel mushroomblue passionflowerblue trafel mushroomblue water lilyblue whortleberryblueberriesbright red cranberrybright red teaberrybrostheras grassbunch of wild grapescactus flowercalamia fruitchicorycothinar flowercuctucae berrydaggerstalk mushroomephlox mossfairy primrosefennel bulbfiddlehead fernflathead mushroomfragrant white lilygenkew mushroomginger rootgolden astergolden buttercuphandful of blueberrieshandful of currantshandful of elderberrieshandful of raspberrieshaphip rootheath asterhoneysuckle vineimaeras lacekylan berrymonkey grassmotherwortmurkweedpennyroyal stempine conepine needlespinenutspink clover blossompothinir grassprimrosepurple clover blossomred clover blossomreedsrose-marrow rootsassafras leafsilver-edged fernsmall applesmall daisysmall pumpkinsmall rosesmall violetsmall wild rosesoft white mushroomsovyn clovespearmint leafsprig of alyssumsprig of hollysprig of jasminesprig of larkspursprig of lavendersprig of mistletoesprig of mournbloomstalk of bluebellsstalk of burdockstalk of cattailstalk of chicorystalk of goldenrodstriped heart mushroomsweetfern stalktalneo roottree barktrollfear mushroomvalerian rootvermillion fire lilywater chestnutwhite passionflowerwhite water lilywild carrotwild chokecherrywild gooseberrywild lilacwild orchidwild pansy blossomwild strawberrywild tulipwingstem rootwintergreen leafwiregrasswithered black mushroomwoad leaveswolifrew lichenwood violetwoth floweryellow clover blossomyellow passionfloweryellow primroseyellow water lily
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