Adding/Marking: wintergreen leaf
EnvironmentsDid you know wintergreen leaf grows in the following environments:temperate - grassland temperate - deciduous snowy, arctic - coniferous humid - deciduous temperate - hilly temperate - rough cold, damp - barren scrub temperate - coniferous cold, damp - coniferous cold, dry - hilly cold, dry - deciduous cold, damp - rough temperate - riparian cold, damp - deciduous cold, damp - hilly temperate - barren scrub humid - rough cold, damp - riparian snowy, arctic - grassland humid - grassland cold, dry - grassland snowy, arctic - riparian snowy, arctic - rough cold, dry - rough snowy, arctic - hilly snowy, arctic - hard, flat snowy, arctic - deciduous humid - barren scrub cold, damp - grassland snowy, arctic - mountainous temperate - muddy wetlands cold, dry - barren scrub humid - riparian temperate - hard, flat
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for wintergreen leaf. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine. Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on wintergreen leaf at the GS4 Alchemy Site. Foragables:
(color) clover blossomacantha leafambrominas leafangelica rootbarley grassbasal mossblaestonberry blossombleeding heart rosebloodwood twigblue trafel mushroombolmara lichenbougainvillea blossombright red teaberrybroken twigbrostheras grassbunch of wild grapesbur-clover rootcactacae spinecalamia fruitcluster of woad leavescoppery rain lilycrimson dragonstalkdaggerstalk mushroomdark pink rain lilyear of cornebony twigelderberriesfennel bulbfiddlehead fernfire lilyflathead mushroomfragrant white lilygenkew mushroomgolden buttercuphandful of blueberrieshandful of elderberrieshandful of raspberrieshaphip rootheath asterhoneysuckle vinehosta flowerhuckleberriesimaeras laceironfern rootjuicy plumlacelady slipper blossomlarge sunflowermistweedmotherwortmountain dryanmurdrootmustard seedsnettle leafnightbloom blossomoak twigorange begoniaoxblood lilypepperthorn rootpink begoniapink clover blossompink rain lilypurple clover blossomred begoniared clover blossomrose-marrow rootsky-blue delphinurisslender twigsmall applesmall daisysmall flowersmall rosesmall turnipsmall violetsmall wild rosesoft white mushroomsovyn clovesprig of alyssumsprig of amaranthsprig of clematissprig of columbinesprig of hollysprig of imaera's lacesprig of ivysprig of jasminesprig of larkspursprig of lavendersprig of mistletoesprig of mournbloomsprig of rosemarysprig of wild lilacsprig of wild phloxstalk of bluebellsstalk of chicorystalk of goldenrodstalk of monkeyflowertkaro roottorban leaftree barktrollfear mushroomtwisted twigvermilion fire lilywheat grasswhite baneberrywhite clover blossomwhite lilywild beechnutwild chokecherrywild gooseberrywild grapeswild orchidwild pansy blossomwild pink geraniumwild sagewild strawberrywingstem rootwintergreen leafwiregrasswitchwood twigwithered black mushroomwoad leaveswolfsbane rootwood violetyellow clover blossomyellow primroseyew twig
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