Welcome to GS4 Room Data. Using this system you can find and mark locations for foragables in GS4, the MMORPG online roleplaying game by Simutronics. Also you can view more room details such as Climate & Terrain as well as more herb details. Anyone can add an herb location, but only registered rangers can add climate & terrain data. If you're a ranger and would like to register please email me at virilneus@ this website. Thanks to Tsoran for the maps.

Buy My Stuff:Awesome Wiz/Sorc Enhancives: All Levels, Scripted, Non-Crumbly +5 MIU Anklet 300k. +5 EMC bracelet (wear two) 350k. +5 Arcane Symbols anklet 400k. +5 Demonology wristcuff (wear two - helps with balefire) 400k. +5 Necromancy bangle (wear two) 400k.
Enhancive Gloves Enhance Spell Aiming & Weapon Skills. Increase your AS without using up a prime slot. Noncrumbly, rechargable. Spell Aiming Two Handers Edged Weapons Brawling Thrown Ranged

712 is a great spell, but is the only buff in the sorcerer base list so it takes on a lot of duties. One thing the sorcerer base list lacks is an AS buff, which puts us behind other professions in the bolt AS department. ...read more

TOWNS: Icemule Trace | Mist Harbor | River's Rest | Ta'Illistim | Ta'Vaalor | Teras Isle | Vornavis | Wehnimer's Landing | Zul Logoth |
MAPS: EN-zul-logoth | homes5 |
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Herb Name:  

wolifrew lichen

EnvironmentsDid you know wolifrew lichen grows in the following environments:
cold, damp - plain dirt
cold, dry - plain dirt
cold, dry - deciduous
cold, damp - deciduous
cold, damp - coniferous
cold, dry - grassland
not sensible - not sensible
cold, damp - grassland
cold, dry - coniferous
cold, damp - sandy
Make a Guess?This website can guess possible locations for wolifrew lichen. These locations are only guesses, but may help you track it down. Click here to activate the guessing engine.
Learn MoreFind applicable alchemy recipes, a complete list of maps where it is found, and player comments on wolifrew lichen at the GS4 Alchemy Site.

  • ayana leaf
  • black hook mushroom
  • blue trafel mushroom
  • bolmara lichen
  • bur-clover root
  • daggerstalk mushroom
  • flathead mushroom
  • genkew mushroom
  • giant glowing toadstool
  • glowing toadstool
  • ironfern root
  • pepperthorn root
  • pothinir grass
  • red trafel mushroom
  • soft white mushroom
  • talneo root
  • water
  • white hook mushroom
  • wingstem root
  • withered black mushroom
  • wolifrew lichen

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    This MMORPG fan website was created to house foraging data for the roleplaying game GS4 by Simutronics.