Adalfuns's Magic ShoppeMain Room
on the table an aquamarine studded gold talisman - 125,000 a gold-edged gornar sidesword - 150,000 a snake-etched silver crown - 175,000 a chiseled blue starstone bracelet - 225,000 a round-cut dragonfire opal bracelet - 250,000 a burnished fireleaf runestaff - 250,000 a burnished deringo runestaff - 500,000 a polished spiked ora aventail - 500,000 a glittering blue dreamstone medallion - 550,000 a chased silver earcuff - 550,000 a beryl-inset mithril crown - 750,000 a white paisley warrior doll - 1,000,000 a petrified squid tentacle - 1,000,000 a gnarled fireleaf runestaff - 1,000,000 an elegantly carved jade tiara - 1,000,000 a polished orase runestaff - 1,350,000 a chased platinum pin - 1,500,000 a sapphire-set imflass headband - 1,500,000 a snake-etched pewter torc - 1,500,000 a glittering white starstone earcuff - 3,000,000 a scratched mossbark runestaff - 4,750,000 some embossed vultite leg greaves - 5,000,000 a scorched faewood runestaff - 6,500,000 a smooth orase runestaff - 7,350,000
| Adalfuns's Magic ShoppeEast Room
on the table an obsidian horse miniature - 50,000 an engraved silver band - 125,000 a step-cut dragonfire opal necklace - 175,000 a white opal studded copper tiara - 175,000 a star ruby inset ora crown - 250,000 a gold filigree red sunstone pin - 250,000 an azure-hued heavy razern balestarius - 250,000 a sparkling white sunstone crown - 350,000 a chiseled dragonfire opal pin - 350,000 a veil iron backsword - 400,000 a tourmaline studded gold torc - 450,000 an opal studded copper crown - 500,000 a burnished pewter crown - 500,000 a lapis-inlaid imflass pin - 500,000 an elegant imflass crown - 500,000 a lapis-inlaid mithril pendant - 500,000 a fine silver bracer - 700,000 an engraved gold torc - 750,000 an ora-tipped eonake backsword - 1,200,000 a vultite falchion - 1,500,000 a sapphire studded silver bracelet - 1,500,000 a fine garnet earring - 1,500,000 a sapphire studded gold torc - 2,500,000
| Adalfuns's ArmoryNorth Room
on the table a plum-spiraled golden panther totem suspended from grey hemp - 50,000 a diamond-set pewter necklace - 75,000 a chiseled star ruby torc - 78,500 a polished spiked vaalorn shield - 150,000 some blackened mithril double chain - 225,000 a rolaren augmented breastplate - 250,000 a blackened glaes metal breastplate - 450,000 an ornate veil iron aegis - 500,000 some etched vultite leg greaves - 500,000 some embossed vultite full plate - 700,000 a polished mithril helm - 750,000 a large spiked fireleaf aegis edged with burnished drakar - 750,000 a gleaming mithglin greathelm - 1,250,000 a scratched vultite greathelm - 1,500,000 a scorched ipantor light crossbow - 1,500,000 a thick glaes aventail - 1,500,000 a princess-cut blue sapphire pin - 2,500,000 a kelyn-hilted feras short sword - 3,500,000 some thick vultite full plate - 3,500,000 an old spiked mithril greathelm - 3,500,000