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Icemule Trace - Room: 4

Lich Room ID: 2376

rough plaster warehouse with a dark red shingle roof

Brokkrsten's Magic Shoppe

Main Room

=== Boreal Baubles === + Orbs contain Mystic Focus (1711), 1000 silvers per charge + Dark Translucent Crystals cast Elemental Wave (410) + Other items from the lockers, stock rotates occasionally

in the cabinet
some thick light leather - 50,000
a magenta mossbark runestaff - 80,000
an imflass augmented breastplate - 95,000
an onyx-handled ora Hammer of Kai - 95,000
an ora-studded black ora mace - 110,000
a gornar morning star - 120,000
some etched vultite double chain - 125,000
a scorched mithril mace - 125,000
a beech-hafted vultite war mattock - 190,000
a gleaming ora helm - 200,000
a carved hoarbeam runestaff - 200,000
a ruby-handled vultite trident - 925,000
some etched imflass double chain - 950,000

on the counter
a dark translucent crystal - 100
a dark silvery orb - 22,000
an oval-cut firestone torc - 50,000
a fire pearl studded copper armband - 50,000
a large orase runestaff - 80,000
a grass green mithril longsword - 120,000
a monir-handled black ora Hammer of Kai - 200,000
a small mossbark runestaff - 280,000
an exquisite mossbark runestaff - 400,000

Brokkrsten's Outfitting

North Room

=== Gems, Foragable Herbs and Skins ===
+ Gems are uncut, unsung, and unappraised (10/jar). + Herbs fresh from the Rift as I get 'em, I uncurse 'em so you don't have to.
+ Jarred Herbs are for Alchemy, NOT bounty tasks. + Skin bundles are 10 skins of Exceptional Quality or better. + All rift crawler teeth are worth a minimum of 300 silvers.

in the case
a thick glass jar - 550
a pewter and red spinel headband - 50,000
an enruned platinum circlet - 50,000
a smoky topaz inset eonake necklace - 150,000
a delicate ora crown - 500,000

on the counter
a discolored fleshbinder bud - 3,000
a discolored fleshbinder bud - 3,000
a slime-covered grave blossom - 3,000
an oozing fleshsore bulb - 3,000
a rotting bile green fleshbulb - 3,000
a mass of congealed slime - 3,000
a withered deathblossom - 3,000
a twisted black mawflower - 3,000

Brokkrsten's Magic Shoppe

South Room

=== Alchemic Products === Will work on commission! Just ask. Shelves: + Holy Water -Neut Curse
+ Dimly Glowing Triangular Bone Talisman (Gtr Lichbane Talisman, 8 uses) -Immunity vs ALL FEAR attacks + Cat's Eye Moonstone Talisman -Unpresence Trinket (204) + Milky Blue Oil -Minor Sanct (213) + Scintillating Lilac Potion -Purify Air (207) Counter: + Radiant White Soulstone -Used in Urven'eth and Eoveneh potions + Minor Holy Oil -Bless (203), also used in Urven'eth and Eoveneh potions

on the counter
a lump of golvern ore - 45,000
a lump of eahnor ore - 100,000

on the shelves
a dark translucent crystal - 100
a crystalline flask containing a scintillating lilac potion - 7,500

For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.


I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.

For Sale in the Forums

shields lich ID 19470morgahan
defender and enhansive runestaffs lich ID 19470morgahan
A few 4x weapons, locker clear-outjmeade83
2x per day dauntless 1606Virilneus
7x metal breastplate self mana undiseaseVirilneus
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg GreavesVirilneus
Landing shopmtnhooligan
Eahnor double chainstabbyrogue
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge)Myharl
7x elegant golvern short-shortVirilneus
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside)Radom
invar claidhmoregustamantis
4x, swcw macegustamantis
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc.Archigeek
super nice weapon harnesscerveza
Want your stuff listed here? Post in the Forums.
