Emporium of the Silver VeilMain RoomWelcome to the Emporium of the Silver Veil
in the bookcase a chipped red clay bottle - 150,000 a chipped red clay bottle - 150,000 a thick spiked imflass shield - 250,000 a dull faewood runestaff - 500,000 some golden reinforced leather - 500,000 a polished mesille shield - 500,000 some embossed full leather - 750,000 some burnished double leather - 900,000 a purple vultite handaxe - 2,000,000 some red-veined blue vaalorn gauntlets - 3,000,000 a heavy golvern slab - 5,000,000 a golden reed scriber - 8,000,000 a sharp copper chisel - 8,000,000 some xenium-studded armguards - 140,000,000
on the counter an old vultite greathelm - 275,000 some old reinforced leather - 280,000 a steel-nocked ruic long bow - 400,000 an embossed spiked eahnor aegis - 500,000 some scarred cuirbouilli leather - 1,500,000 a blackened steel augmented breastplate - 2,200,000 some gleaming mithglin full plate - 4,000,000 some double leather - 7,700,000 some xenium-studded thighguards - 140,000,000
| Emporium of the Silver VeilEast RoomWelcome th the Emporium of the Sliver Veil! The faewood staff is a Xojium runestaff and has 10 verbs
in the cabinet a crimson-runed razern-gilded cleaver - 100,000 an ivory and star emerald crown - 100,000 a bottle of foamy liquid - 125,000 an ice blue and silver satin ribbon cloak - 200,000 a carved hoarbeam greatshield - 500,000 a burnished spiked fireleaf aegis - 770,000 a malachite and emerald crown - 1,000,000 a deringo composite bow - 1,500,000 a scratched imflass aventail - 3,500,000 a gleaming vultite aventail - 4,000,000 a sinuous diamondback rattlesnake - 5,000,000 a polished imflass helm - 7,700,000
on the table a herringbone silver necklace suspending a stark white snowstone - 50,000 an ankle-length ebon chainsil bliaut with amber-banded funnel sleeves - 150,000 an ankle-length cobalt blue bliaut with mauve-banded funnel sleeves - 150,000 a thick ora greathelm - 165,000 some old reinforced leather - 1,100,000 an eonake-tipped paingrip - 1,400,000 a well-balanced eonake knuckle-duster - 1,750,000
| Emporium of the Silver VeilWest RoomWelcome to the Emporium of the Silver Veil! The opaque vultite falchion is somewhat damage weighted, and old as dirt. White ora glaive is T2 Iasha, 4x White ora maul is T2 Iasha, 4x
in the cabinet a scratched mossbark runestaff - 44,000 a burnished mesille runestaff - 750,000 a silver-capped villswood runestaff - 1,100,000 a burnished hoarbeam runestaff - 1,100,000 a yellow sephwir short bow - 2,100,000 a massive oak-hafted white ora maul - 10,000,000
on the counter a Chronomage rush ticket - 70,000 a Chronomage rush ticket - 70,000 an invar-tipped vaalorn bastard sword - 200,000 a flimsy hoarbeam light crossbow - 200,000 a scratched invar battle axe - 300,000 a scratched mithril aegis - 475,000 a gnarled dark willow staff - 500,000 a razor-sharp mithril bastard sword - 1,500,000 an ornate sephwir light crossbow - 1,750,000 a scorched sephwir heavy crossbow - 2,000,000 a carved sephwir short bow - 2,250,000 bundle of eonake arrows - 100,000,000