Enchantment EmporiumMain RoomVaalorn mace is +23 and changes flares based on location. Droughtman prize. Merchant trunk holds 150 pounds. Rugged leather satchel and oiled leather satchel are beltworn, hold 121 pounds. Blackjack has knockout flares.
on the counter a rose pink mesille runestaff - 500,000 a delicate pewter necklace - 1,000,000 a burnished silver neckchain - 2,000,000 a polished vultite aventail - 3,000,000 a steel-spiked vaalorn mace with a leather-wrapped deringo handle - 4,000,000 a sturdy rowan runestaff - 5,000,000 a silver-capped orase runestaff - 5,000,000 a bloodstone studded gold neckchain - 6,000,000 a light pink deringo heavy crossbow - 10,000,000 a fel-hafted zorchar handaxe - 25,000,000 a bronze-tipped zorchar broadsword - 25,000,000 a gold-hilted ora dagger - 25,000,000 a glistening fireleaf runestaff - 25,000,000 some burnished cuirbouilli leather - 50,000,000 an ornate vultite greathelm - 100,000,000
| Enchantment EmporiumEast RoomLeaves pendants are +2 wisdom. Alligator skin wristlets are +2 strength. Troll tooth talismans are +2 dexterity. Water witch's hair talismans are +2 aura. Belt of woven willow strips is +2 wisdom. EVERYTHING in this room is non crumbly.
on the counter a water witch's hair talisman - 150,000 a chipped troll's tooth talisman - 150,000 an alligator skin wristlet - 150,000 a steel helm - 300,000 a garnet-set gold neckchain - 1,200,000 a sparkling aquamarine torc - 2,000,000 an old glaes greathelm - 2,000,000 an engraved aquamarine earcuff - 8,000,000
| Enchantment EmporiumWest RoomThese orbs are strictly for use in fusion armaments only, and won't do you much good without them! The rack contains a number of items that would make wonderful orbs, or could be used on their own.
on the counter a bronze-rimmed vultite tower shield - 1,000,000 some black and tan full leather - 2,000,000 a finespun black silk robe - 2,000,000 some deep green double leathers - 2,000,000 some coal black mithril-studded scalemail - 2,000,000 a suit of drab ora augmented chainmail - 2,000,000 a blue-grey vultite hauberk - 2,000,000 a flame-etched mithril targe - 2,000,000 an onyx-inlaid blue mithglin breastplate - 4,000,000 some gilded mithril platemail - 4,000,000
on the rack a translucent black glaes waraxe - 2,000,000 a translucent crimson glaes warblade - 2,000,000 a rolaren-cored silvery glaes knife - 2,000,000 an oak-shafted golden vultite warlance - 2,000,000 a leather-bound bleached orase crook - 2,000,000 a massive black glaes tetsubo - 2,000,000 a rune-carved pale ruic longbow - 2,000,000 a moonstone-set ruic composite bow - 2,000,000 a leaf-bladed verdant mithril katar - 2,000,000 a veniom-hilted azure vultite gladius - 2,000,000