Ickhee's OutfittingMain Room Critter found clothing and containers, what you see is what you get
on the hooks an ash grey watered silk pouch - 7,500 some fiery red trousers - 10,000 some exquisite watered silk robes - 15,000 a suede pouch - 15,000 a dashing lily white jacket - 15,000 a torn snake skin cloak - 15,000 some feathered crushed silk robes - 15,000 a rose pink satchel - 15,000 a slashed dark red greatcloak - 15,000 an azure crushed silk sack - 15,000 a brocade longcoat - 20,000 a blood red puma fur cloak - 20,000 a tailored pale blue longcoat - 25,000 a jewel studded chalk white knapsack - 25,000 an enruned royal blue greatcloak - 25,000 a chalk white suede cloak - 25,000 a ruby red knapsack - 25,000 a hazel doeskin cloak - 25,000
| Ickhee's Magic ShoppeEast RoomVarious stuff. Just look about to see what you see.
on the hooks a pewter-caged indigo bone sigil on a thin iron chain - 25,000 a rough villswood runestaff - 100,000 a bejewelled gold pendant - 100,000 a scratched vaalorn aegis - 500,000 a teak-hafted imflass javelin - 1,000,000 a glyph-etched imflass earcuff - 5,000,000 a jade and ruby pendant - 5,000,000
on the shelves a faceted glass jar containing essences of air - 30,000 a faceted glass jar containing essences of air - 30,000 a faceted glass jar containing essences of air - 30,000 a jade and white sunstone brooch - 50,000 an opalescent glass jar containing s'ayanad crystals - 50,000 a faceted glass jar containing s'ayanad crystals - 50,000 a faceted glass jar containing essences of water - 100,000 some scratched steel leg greaves - 150,000 some vibrant veniom-traced plates - 250,000 some shiny eahnor gears - 500,000 a cloudy ilvan'eth potion - 1,250,000 an amethyst studded mithril band - 10,000,000
| Ickhee's WeaponryNorth Room * Basic looking armors are all 4x * Ipantor hand crossbow has 5 full ranks of sighting
on the counter a chain hauberk - 35,000 a superior golvern rapier - 50,000 a superior golvern rapier - 50,000 an ora-tipped vultite backsword - 75,000 an ipantor hand crossbow - 100,000 an exquisite maoral-hafted eonake ball-and-chain - 150,000 a faceted glass jar containing uncut rubies - 150,000 an ipantor hand crossbow - 250,000 a polished leather breastplate - 500,000 a rune-etched sephwir heavy crossbow - 1,500,000 a linden-hafted vultite-studded maul - 2,000,000 a perfect gornar longsword - 2,000,000 an exquisite imflass naginata - 3,000,000 a scarred leather breastplate - 3,000,000 some fiery orange imflass leather - 3,500,000 a fel-handled vultite battle axe - 4,000,000 a rhimar naginata - 4,000,000 an imflass naginata - 4,500,000 a dented razern naginata - 5,000,000 a fir-handled eahnor war hammer - 5,000,000 a beech-hafted gornar naginata - 5,000,000 a bronze-tipped rolaren naginata - 10,000,000 an oak-hafted gornar naginata - 10,000,000