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Wehnimer's Landing - Room: 11

Lich Room ID: 339

quaint red-brick building

Irval's Weaponry

Main Room

- jars are fully unlocked bugs on parade jars - sheath is a hiding sheath - flypaper is for highly zested tattoos - specimen board - stores bugs - voucher - Least Moods flourish

in the cabinet
a teadragon-shaped box crafted from pearlescent vellum - 11,999
a gingerbread house-shaped box trimmed in white velvet icing - 50,000
a braided silk ribbon wrist sheath - 250,000
a viridian yew long bow flecked with zorchar shards - 450,000
a jagged golvern reaver - 950,000
a jagged golvern reaver - 950,000
some scorched light leather - 1,500,000
a chipped ora falchion - 1,500,000
a vultite trident - 1,500,000
a glaes jeddart-axe - 2,500,000

on the counter
a sugar-swirled rainbow unicorn lollipop - 5,000
a sharply-honed mithril bastard sword - 100,000
a silver herringbone necklace suspending a sapphire peacock - 100,000
a skein of sunset naiquard yarn - 150,000
some orchard naiquard yarn - 150,000
a mechanized eahnor hydrangea petal-inlaid with zircon - 250,000
a six-in-one alum chainmail bracelet decorated with glass beads - 250,000
a black ironwood animal coffin - 250,000
a vial of glowing dye additive - 499,999
a pale green emblem painted with the image of withered grains - 500,000
a gold-edged feras-tipped whip-blade - 500,000
a thin piece of flypaper - 2,499,999
a faenor-tipped vultite rapier - 2,500,000
a polychromatic vellum voucher - 4,999,999
a pewter-lidded tall glass jar - 10,000,000

Irval's Outfitting

East Room

warsword - 5x, +5 CM, +5 crit, fire flares, unlocked twisted weapon tartan cloak - dramatic drapery (works w/sigil staff + mana armor) rolton stickpin - mage rechargable grasp of grave (709) hunts - mana infused doubles leathers - mana infused full leathers dragon toy - highly scripted dragon (takes show + long) phoenix - Zetoile toy (T1 of 6) wine glass - drinking horn scripts liabo pendant - 5100 auction MoonPhase necklace (shows moons current phase)

in the chest
a mechanical white gold iris petal-inlaid with aquamarine - 250,000
some sagging suspenders - 250,000
an opal inset eonake crown - 250,000
a flat-top black wig - 250,000
a mechanical vaalin heather sporting fire agate petals - 500,000
a black and silver tin toy dragon with scarlet spikes running along the spine - 500,000
a chewed-up toy elf - 500,000
a silken faetha green gown cross-wrapped in braided leather - 1,000,000
a cord-wrapped ebon suede back sheath - 2,500,000
some ensigiled casting leathers - 4,999,998
some ensigiled leather hunts - 5,000,000
a white gold wedding band set with a heart-shaped diamond - 7,500,000
a long-sleeved white linen shirt - 10,000,000
a patinated bronze nail press - 10,000,000
a thread-thin invar carcanet suspending tiny platinum stars - 25,000,000

on the table
a pewter rolton-faced stickpin - 250,000
a polished mesille runestaff - 1,500,000
a maple-hafted mithglin Hammer of Kai - 2,500,000
a brass-hinged dark oak lap desk - 2,500,000
a gilded phoenix rampant traced with fiery crimson veins - 2,500,000
an emerald green crystal wine glass adorned with a pegasus-shaped stem - 2,500,000
a thick illthorn staff crowned with a pyramid of azure blazestar - 3,500,000
a moonstone Liabo pendant suspended by a braided platinum chain - 50,000,000
a miniature tart kiln - 75,000,000

Irval's Outfitting

West Room

plum armor - 4x Fully unlocked feminine female only armor silver bells/bell - neck-worn, zested for Tap/Touch/Pet/Rub/turn/kiss/shake/waved black skirt - Stolen goods quill - feature worn quill (T1) face-veil - zested braided staff - T2 S2 5x nervestaff dollhouse pendant - disk changer

in the crate
a bloodstained gold burial urn - 25,000
a miniature dollhouse pendant - 150,000
a small gold sleigh bell on a green velvet cord - 250,000
an ora-tipped imflass estoc - 350,000
a vial of glowing dye additive - 499,999
neatly printed palimpsest - 500,000
an ornate spiked eahnor shield - 750,000
a petite front-laced plum velvet evening gown which gradually blends into an orchid-hue at the hem - 750,000
some old vaalorn double chain - 750,000
a gauzy red silk face-veil - 750,000
a gold-tipped vaalorn main gauche - 5,000,000
a pair of half-moon spectacles with simple silver rims - 10,000,000
some scaled plum leather armor - 15,000,000
a silken rusty wren feather quill - 15,000,000
some silver bells - 25,000,000

on the table
a flame-petaled vibrant red coneflower - 25,000
a faenor falchion - 350,000
ink-splattered vellum - 500,000
a polished mithglin shield - 750,000
a hefty leather-bound prayerbook with tawny papyrus pages - 1,000,000
a thin-handled zorchar longsword - 1,500,000
a grey ora claidhmore - 10,000,000
a tightly braided staff of slender mistwood crowned with an opulent diamond pegasus - 75,000,000

For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.


I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.

For Sale in the Forums

shields lich ID 19470morgahan
defender and enhansive runestaffs lich ID 19470morgahan
A few 4x weapons, locker clear-outjmeade83
2x per day dauntless 1606Virilneus
7x metal breastplate self mana undiseaseVirilneus
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg GreavesVirilneus
Landing shopmtnhooligan
Eahnor double chainstabbyrogue
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge)Myharl
7x elegant golvern short-shortVirilneus
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside)Radom
invar claidhmoregustamantis
4x, swcw macegustamantis
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc.Archigeek
super nice weapon harnesscerveza
Want your stuff listed here? Post in the Forums.
