Irval's WeaponryMain Room- jars are fully unlocked bugs on parade jars - sheath is a hiding sheath - flypaper is for highly zested tattoos - specimen board - stores bugs - voucher - Least Moods flourish
in the cabinet a teadragon-shaped box crafted from pearlescent vellum - 11,999 a gingerbread house-shaped box trimmed in white velvet icing - 50,000 a braided silk ribbon wrist sheath - 250,000 a viridian yew long bow flecked with zorchar shards - 450,000 a jagged golvern reaver - 950,000 a jagged golvern reaver - 950,000 some scorched light leather - 1,500,000 a chipped ora falchion - 1,500,000 a vultite trident - 1,500,000 a glaes jeddart-axe - 2,500,000
on the counter a sugar-swirled rainbow unicorn lollipop - 5,000 a sharply-honed mithril bastard sword - 100,000 a silver herringbone necklace suspending a sapphire peacock - 100,000 a skein of sunset naiquard yarn - 150,000 some orchard naiquard yarn - 150,000 a mechanized eahnor hydrangea petal-inlaid with zircon - 250,000 a six-in-one alum chainmail bracelet decorated with glass beads - 250,000 a black ironwood animal coffin - 250,000 a vial of glowing dye additive - 499,999 a pale green emblem painted with the image of withered grains - 500,000 a gold-edged feras-tipped whip-blade - 500,000 a thin piece of flypaper - 2,499,999 a faenor-tipped vultite rapier - 2,500,000 a polychromatic vellum voucher - 4,999,999 a pewter-lidded tall glass jar - 10,000,000
| Irval's OutfittingEast Roomwarsword - 5x, +5 CM, +5 crit, fire flares, unlocked twisted weapon tartan cloak - dramatic drapery (works w/sigil staff + mana armor) rolton stickpin - mage rechargable grasp of grave (709) hunts - mana infused doubles leathers - mana infused full leathers dragon toy - highly scripted dragon (takes show + long) phoenix - Zetoile toy (T1 of 6) wine glass - drinking horn scripts liabo pendant - 5100 auction MoonPhase necklace (shows moons current phase)
in the chest a mechanical white gold iris petal-inlaid with aquamarine - 250,000 some sagging suspenders - 250,000 an opal inset eonake crown - 250,000 a flat-top black wig - 250,000 a mechanical vaalin heather sporting fire agate petals - 500,000 a black and silver tin toy dragon with scarlet spikes running along the spine - 500,000 a chewed-up toy elf - 500,000 a silken faetha green gown cross-wrapped in braided leather - 1,000,000 a cord-wrapped ebon suede back sheath - 2,500,000 some ensigiled casting leathers - 4,999,998 some ensigiled leather hunts - 5,000,000 a white gold wedding band set with a heart-shaped diamond - 7,500,000 a long-sleeved white linen shirt - 10,000,000 a patinated bronze nail press - 10,000,000 a thread-thin invar carcanet suspending tiny platinum stars - 25,000,000
on the table a pewter rolton-faced stickpin - 250,000 a polished mesille runestaff - 1,500,000 a maple-hafted mithglin Hammer of Kai - 2,500,000 a brass-hinged dark oak lap desk - 2,500,000 a gilded phoenix rampant traced with fiery crimson veins - 2,500,000 an emerald green crystal wine glass adorned with a pegasus-shaped stem - 2,500,000 a thick illthorn staff crowned with a pyramid of azure blazestar - 3,500,000 a moonstone Liabo pendant suspended by a braided platinum chain - 50,000,000 a miniature tart kiln - 75,000,000
| Irval's OutfittingWest Roomplum armor - 4x Fully unlocked feminine female only armor silver bells/bell - neck-worn, zested for Tap/Touch/Pet/Rub/turn/kiss/shake/waved black skirt - Stolen goods quill - feature worn quill (T1) face-veil - zested braided staff - T2 S2 5x nervestaff dollhouse pendant - disk changer
in the crate a bloodstained gold burial urn - 25,000 a miniature dollhouse pendant - 150,000 a small gold sleigh bell on a green velvet cord - 250,000 an ora-tipped imflass estoc - 350,000 a vial of glowing dye additive - 499,999 neatly printed palimpsest - 500,000 an ornate spiked eahnor shield - 750,000 a petite front-laced plum velvet evening gown which gradually blends into an orchid-hue at the hem - 750,000 some old vaalorn double chain - 750,000 a gauzy red silk face-veil - 750,000 a gold-tipped vaalorn main gauche - 5,000,000 a pair of half-moon spectacles with simple silver rims - 10,000,000 some scaled plum leather armor - 15,000,000 a silken rusty wren feather quill - 15,000,000 some silver bells - 25,000,000
on the table a flame-petaled vibrant red coneflower - 25,000 a faenor falchion - 350,000 ink-splattered vellum - 500,000 a polished mithglin shield - 750,000 a hefty leather-bound prayerbook with tawny papyrus pages - 1,000,000 a thin-handled zorchar longsword - 1,500,000 a grey ora claidhmore - 10,000,000 a tightly braided staff of slender mistwood crowned with an opulent diamond pegasus - 75,000,000