Koreina's ArmoryMain Room[Welcome to Koriena and Janarth's Shop. All jars have 10 gems per jar. If you need something, please let us know]
on the counter a pair of white gloves - 20,000 an engraved gold clasp - 20,000 a golden beryl studded iron flagon - 25,000 an ornate spiked hoarbeam buckler - 40,000 some embossed vultite leg greaves - 50,000 a bloodjewel studded silver brooch - 50,000 a soot black villswood runestaff - 150,000 a dark brown lor runestaff - 250,000 a golden scroll - 300,000
on the shelf a lesser mana potion - 3,000 a glyph-etched white starstone pin - 15,000 some scorched light leather - 15,000 a white Ithzir bezoar - 17,500 a delicate silk skirt - 25,000 some blackened vaalorn studded leather - 36,000 an engraved pink topaz pendant - 40,000 a gleaming vultite greathelm - 50,000 an ancient mesille short bow - 50,000 a cracked glaes halberd - 100,000 some burnished light leather - 200,000 an embossed mithglin helm - 500,000 a scratched imflass greathelm - 1,000,000 an old spiked imflass chain hauberk - 1,000,000
| Koreina's Magic ShoppeEast Room
in the chest a small glowing vial - 2,500 an opalescent glass jar containing brown zircons - 7,500 an opalescent glass jar containing white opals - 19,500 an opalescent glass jar containing polished black coral - 20,000 an indigo triton bezoar - 25,000 an engraved mithril medallion - 35,000 an elegant pink dreamstone pin - 40,000 a smoky topaz studded ora ring - 40,000 a mithril guisarme - 50,000 a faceted glass jar containing uncut diamonds - 95,000 some polished spiked reinforced leather - 100,000 a carved fire opal earcuff - 100,000 an embossed spiked ora shield - 150,000 a turquoise-set mithril neckchain - 3,000,000 a warm slate blue fox fur cloak clasped with a starstone cut into the shape of an ankh - 5,000,000
on the desk a lacy light blue pouch - 20,000 a frumpy auburn purse - 20,000 a pair of baton-patterned trousers - 50,000 a full mana potion - 60,000 cloudy off-white vellum - 100,000 some scorched double leather - 125,000 a well-balanced lor runestaff - 200,000 some thick vultite studded leather - 225,000 a lightweight knitted shell-patterned marine blue sea silk pouch - 250,000
| Koreina's Magic ShoppeWest Room
on the table a thick glass jar containing blue cordierites - 7,500 a thick glass jar containing blue topazes - 8,000 a sanguine orc hide purse - 10,000 a jade-inlaid pewter ring - 10,000 a threadbare pink pack - 10,000 a gold-nocked mossbark long bow - 10,000 an opalescent glass jar containing pieces of red jasper - 14,500 some polished full leather - 20,000 some burnished reinforced leather - 20,000 a rune-etched silver brooch - 25,000 a pair of diamond-tipped heels - 25,000 a thick glass jar containing pink spinels - 36,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut rubies - 39,000 a sapphire-set copper barrette - 40,000 a densely woven circlet of bright pink dog roses and pallid ivory calligraphy-set ribbons - 50,000 a chipped mossbark runestaff - 50,000 a petal-cut pink topaz pendant - 75,000 an embossed leather breastplate - 75,000 an opalescent glass jar containing pink spinels - 80,000 an alexandrite inset copper crown - 100,000 a black leather duffel embossed with stars - 100,000 a gleaming vultite metal breastplate - 300,000 some vultite augmented chain - 1,000,000