Laerlyn's WeaponryMain Room
in the trunk an imflass-tipped whip - 30,000 a glaes-tipped ora broadsword - 40,000 a delicate pewter armband - 45,000 a silver-capped carmiln runestaff - 70,000 a villswood runestaff - 80,000 a carved villswood runestaff - 350,000
on the table a star ruby inset copper pendant - 20,000 some ora leg greaves - 20,000 a gnarled mesille runestaff - 20,000 a scorched deringo runestaff - 30,000 an opal-inset mithril torc - 35,000 a mithglin bastard sword - 40,000 a ruby-inset gold headband - 40,000 an opal and green garnet headband - 40,000 a sigil-etched carmiln runestaff - 40,000 a glistening rowan runestaff - 45,000 a well-balanced villswood runestaff - 50,000 a scratched ora augmented breastplate - 2,000,000
| Laerlyn's WeaponryEast Room
in the case a carmiln runestaff - 20,000 a jade-inlaid silver clasp - 30,000 a copper and red sunstone necklace - 30,000 a blue sapphire studded copper torc - 30,000 a deringo runestaff - 45,000 a polished villswood runestaff - 50,000 a mossbark runestaff - 50,000 a green mossbark runestaff - 65,000 a polished spiked ora buckler - 70,000 a chipped mossbark runestaff - 90,000 a dull lor runestaff - 110,000 a polished illthorn shield - 115,000 a razor-sharp gornar longsword - 200,000 some gleaming vaalorn half plate - 250,000 some scratched mithglin full plate - 400,000 some thick mithglin half plate - 1,250,000
| Laerlyn's Magic ShoppeWest RoomPotions: ======== dark murky:911 glowing brilliant:419 luminous ruddy:103 sparkling aquamarine:112 scintillating:lores gold-flecked clear:508 silvery:401 glowing blue:407 glowing prismatic:411 Trinkets: ======== rainbow-flecked:503 dark translucent:410 mottled malachite:luck white powder:sneezing powder(hurling) wiregrass anklet:506
in the cauldron a lesser health potion - 5,000 a crystalline flask containing a gold-flecked clear potion - 5,000 a mottled malachite talisman - 5,000 a crystalline flask containing a scintillating pale red potion - 5,000 a crystalline flask containing a softly glowing blue potion - 5,000 a crystalline flask containing a gold-flecked clear potion - 5,000 a crystalline vial containing some anointing oil - 8,000 a crystalline vial containing some glowing prismatic oil - 8,000 a crystalline vial containing some glowing prismatic oil - 8,000 a wiregrass anklet - 10,000 a malachite-set silver torc - 30,000 an old spiked glaes helm - 30,000 an ornate spiked glaes aventail - 40,000 a blackened spiked ora augmented breastplate - 50,000