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Wehnimer's Landing - Room: 1

Lich Room ID: 337

hexagonal stone building

Dark Tower Imports

Main Room

on the counter
a polished ghostwood bead - 100,000
some cherry petals in weak tea - 999,999,900
a night-dark inytela kimono graced with a dragon needled in ashen lotus silk - 999,999,900
a ko'nag shamisen stretched with taut fine raw silk strings - 999,999,900
a hemlock laced pale ghostwood flute - 999,999,900
a miniature nightwillow tree - 999,999,900
a miniature ghostwood tree - 999,999,900
an unfurled vekalu xan'ayra lotus - 999,999,900
a rune-worked iridian drake katana - 999,999,900
a pale ghostwood cylinder - 999,999,900
a dark nightwillow cylinder - 999,999,900
a silver-swept ghostwood coffin - 999,999,900
some gilded nightwillow chopsticks - 999,999,900
a woven nightwillow basket lined in layered inytela - 999,999,900
a curvilinear urnon tachi with an inytela-bound nightwillow handle - 999,999,900
a nightwillow armillary case traced in starveil constellations - 999,999,900
a dark nightwillow container pyrographed with a wyrm-flanked tower sigil - 999,999,900
a gilt-handled nightwillow cane painted in dark lunar lilies - 999,999,900
a nightwillow-slatted fan of lunar lily-swept onyx silk - 999,999,900
a well-oiled concave round-bottomed skillet with an elongated nightwillow handle - 999,999,900
a starveil pocketwatch fitted with a complex celestial orrery - 999,999,900
an aligned armillary sphere framing a vethinye-traced Drake constellation - 999,999,900
a glowing bubbly green potion - 999,999,900

Dark Tower Imports

East Room

on the counter
a fine white ora crown of stylized flames - 15,000,000
a white ora Crown-of-Koar signet ring - 15,000,000
a singe-marked wide drakewood keg - 15,000,000
a battle-worn krolvin claidhmore - 15,000,000
a suit of ko'nag-inlaid wood platemail - 15,000,000
some mithglin augmented chain - 75,000,000
a delicate gold necklace - 999,999,900
a bone-inlaid steel rod - 999,999,900
a cloudy blue-grey cracked granite rod flecked with copper and electrum - 999,999,900

on the rack
a sinuous urglaes pendant - 15,000,000
a heavy veil iron cashbox - 15,000,000
a pair of deathstone earrings - 15,000,000
an obsidian Marlu statue - 15,000,000
a spine-crested myklian stole with gleaming multi-hued scales - 15,000,000
a white ora skull-pommelled espadon - 15,000,000
an asp-coiled damascus steel dagger - 15,000,000
a deeply hooded grey elesine robe - 15,000,000
a pearly silver floating sphere - 15,000,000
a star-cut veil iron bracelet - 15,000,000
a pair of mithril alloy bracers - 15,000,000
a mithril alloy visored helm - 15,000,000
a blinking fisheye ring - 15,000,000
a veniom-mesh imflass haversack - 15,000,000
some myklian scale gauntlets - 15,000,000

Myharl's Office

West Room

Welcome to the office of
Myharl the Dark Tower
* Hinterwilds Wyrmslayer (listen for thought announcing a hunt is on!).
* Warrior Guild Master-at-Arms available for repetitions, nominations, and promotions.
* Hinterwilds Skinning (hinterboars, wargs, packmothers, mammoths, undansormrs, and valravns).
* Other Services: master weaponsmith, slab smelting, sheath-making, voln blessings, and armor support and reinforcement.
(Help yourself to the booze in the basket)

on the desk
a tiny golden sphere - 1
a stygian valravn quill - 1
a collection of segments of wyrm-carved vertebra - 99,999,900
a gleaming gold medal illuminated with a giantman standing over a slain wyrm - 999,999,900
a deckle-edged gilded ivory certificate - 999,999,900
a stygian valravn quill - 999,999,900
a gold Warrior Guild Master pin inset with six diamonds - 999,999,900
some cord-bound hinterboar hide boots hitched with rugged ice cleats - 999,999,900
a veniom-bound silvery sephwir keg - 999,999,900
an antiqued black sea glass bottle containing essences of storms - 999,999,900
an opalescent glass jar containing swirling quicksilver globes - 999,999,900
an antiqued black sea glass bottle containing slivers of bleakstone - 999,999,900
a gilded eahnor campaign pin - 999,999,900
a side-swept crimson sagum cloak bearing the Warrior Guild Master at Arms crest - 999,999,900
a cord-strung mein key bearing the emblem of the Raging Thrak Inn - 999,999,900
an elaborate gold-framed painting - 999,999,900
a keg-emblazoned basket - 999,999,900
a burnished cold wyrm scale - 999,999,900
a dark wyrm's-fang aetherstone - 999,999,900
a blue-scaled wyrm toy - 999,999,900
a rampant wyrm sculpture - 999,999,900
a radiant frosty white key - 999,999,900
a vibrant frosty white key - 999,999,900

For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.


I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.

For Sale in the Forums

shields lich ID 19470morgahan
defender and enhansive runestaffs lich ID 19470morgahan
A few 4x weapons, locker clear-outjmeade83
2x per day dauntless 1606Virilneus
7x metal breastplate self mana undiseaseVirilneus
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg GreavesVirilneus
Landing shopmtnhooligan
Eahnor double chainstabbyrogue
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge)Myharl
7x elegant golvern short-shortVirilneus
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside)Radom
invar claidhmoregustamantis
4x, swcw macegustamantis
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc.Archigeek
super nice weapon harnesscerveza
Want your stuff listed here? Post in the Forums.
