Dark Tower ImportsMain Room
on the counter a polished ghostwood bead - 100,000 some cherry petals in weak tea - 999,999,900 a night-dark inytela kimono graced with a dragon needled in ashen lotus silk - 999,999,900 a ko'nag shamisen stretched with taut fine raw silk strings - 999,999,900 a hemlock laced pale ghostwood flute - 999,999,900 a miniature nightwillow tree - 999,999,900 a miniature ghostwood tree - 999,999,900 an unfurled vekalu xan'ayra lotus - 999,999,900 a rune-worked iridian drake katana - 999,999,900 a pale ghostwood cylinder - 999,999,900 a dark nightwillow cylinder - 999,999,900 a silver-swept ghostwood coffin - 999,999,900 some gilded nightwillow chopsticks - 999,999,900 a woven nightwillow basket lined in layered inytela - 999,999,900 a curvilinear urnon tachi with an inytela-bound nightwillow handle - 999,999,900 a nightwillow armillary case traced in starveil constellations - 999,999,900 a dark nightwillow container pyrographed with a wyrm-flanked tower sigil - 999,999,900 a gilt-handled nightwillow cane painted in dark lunar lilies - 999,999,900 a nightwillow-slatted fan of lunar lily-swept onyx silk - 999,999,900 a well-oiled concave round-bottomed skillet with an elongated nightwillow handle - 999,999,900 a starveil pocketwatch fitted with a complex celestial orrery - 999,999,900 an aligned armillary sphere framing a vethinye-traced Drake constellation - 999,999,900 a glowing bubbly green potion - 999,999,900
| Dark Tower ImportsEast Room
on the counter a fine white ora crown of stylized flames - 15,000,000 a white ora Crown-of-Koar signet ring - 15,000,000 a singe-marked wide drakewood keg - 15,000,000 a battle-worn krolvin claidhmore - 15,000,000 a suit of ko'nag-inlaid wood platemail - 15,000,000 some mithglin augmented chain - 75,000,000 a delicate gold necklace - 999,999,900 a bone-inlaid steel rod - 999,999,900 a cloudy blue-grey cracked granite rod flecked with copper and electrum - 999,999,900
on the rack a sinuous urglaes pendant - 15,000,000 a heavy veil iron cashbox - 15,000,000 a pair of deathstone earrings - 15,000,000 an obsidian Marlu statue - 15,000,000 a spine-crested myklian stole with gleaming multi-hued scales - 15,000,000 a white ora skull-pommelled espadon - 15,000,000 an asp-coiled damascus steel dagger - 15,000,000 a deeply hooded grey elesine robe - 15,000,000 a pearly silver floating sphere - 15,000,000 a star-cut veil iron bracelet - 15,000,000 a pair of mithril alloy bracers - 15,000,000 a mithril alloy visored helm - 15,000,000 a blinking fisheye ring - 15,000,000 a veniom-mesh imflass haversack - 15,000,000 some myklian scale gauntlets - 15,000,000
| Myharl's OfficeWest Room Welcome to the office of Myharl the Dark Tower * Hinterwilds Wyrmslayer (listen for thought announcing a hunt is on!). * Warrior Guild Master-at-Arms available for repetitions, nominations, and promotions. * Hinterwilds Skinning (hinterboars, wargs, packmothers, mammoths, undansormrs, and valravns). * Other Services: master weaponsmith, slab smelting, sheath-making, voln blessings, and armor support and reinforcement. (Help yourself to the booze in the basket)
on the desk a tiny golden sphere - 1 a stygian valravn quill - 1 a collection of segments of wyrm-carved vertebra - 99,999,900 a gleaming gold medal illuminated with a giantman standing over a slain wyrm - 999,999,900 a deckle-edged gilded ivory certificate - 999,999,900 a stygian valravn quill - 999,999,900 a gold Warrior Guild Master pin inset with six diamonds - 999,999,900 some cord-bound hinterboar hide boots hitched with rugged ice cleats - 999,999,900 a veniom-bound silvery sephwir keg - 999,999,900 an antiqued black sea glass bottle containing essences of storms - 999,999,900 an opalescent glass jar containing swirling quicksilver globes - 999,999,900 an antiqued black sea glass bottle containing slivers of bleakstone - 999,999,900 a gilded eahnor campaign pin - 999,999,900 a side-swept crimson sagum cloak bearing the Warrior Guild Master at Arms crest - 999,999,900 a cord-strung mein key bearing the emblem of the Raging Thrak Inn - 999,999,900 an elaborate gold-framed painting - 999,999,900 a keg-emblazoned basket - 999,999,900 a burnished cold wyrm scale - 999,999,900 a dark wyrm's-fang aetherstone - 999,999,900 a blue-scaled wyrm toy - 999,999,900 a rampant wyrm sculpture - 999,999,900 a radiant frosty white key - 999,999,900 a vibrant frosty white key - 999,999,900