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Mist Harbor - Room: 2

Lich Room ID: 3870

warped wooden hut

Nindon's Magic Shoppe

Main Room

Pelts are in bundles of 10.

in the chest
some powdered pink pearl - 3,300
a bundle of mastodon trunks - 70,000
a bundle of kiramon poison glands - 70,000
a saffron gremlock bezoar - 85,000
a faenor quoit - 729,000

on the shelves
some acantha leaf - 500
a steel spring - 1,000
a heavy quartz orb - 2,200
a heavy quartz orb - 2,200
a long-stalked sunflower - 7,000
a copper-chased soaring hawk figurine - 15,000
a crystal desert nomad figurine - 15,000
a silver-chased blacksmith sculpture - 15,000
a white Ithzir bezoar - 40,000
a greater mana-well potion - 106,700
a luminescent indigo mushroom - 750,000

Nindon's Magic Shoppe

East Room

Monocle is from the EG Eye Scry store. Lens has 5 charges.

in the basket
a heavy quartz orb - 4,300
a copper-chased regal unicorn sculpture - 15,000
a pewter mule miniature - 15,000
a glowing moonstone talisman - 40,000
a gleaming multicolored soulstone - 90,000
a light tan glass beaker - 288,000
a saffron gremlock bezoar - 500,000

on the desk
a glittering silver flask - 8,000
a pewter bull figurine - 15,000
a fine rosewood diving dragon sculpture - 15,000
a mahogany dragon statue - 15,000
a polished gold halfling archer statue - 15,000
a gold-streaked manticore figurine - 15,000
a moonstone rooster statue - 15,000
an emerald-set harpy miniature - 15,000
a porcelain flying demon figurine - 15,000
an onyx-inlaid halfling archer statue - 15,000
a sapphire-set destrier miniature - 16,000
an elegantly twisted silver monocle - 3,000,000

Nindon's Magic Shoppe

West Room

Inky black potions are ensorcelling potions. Metal amulets have 15 rubs of Spirit Barrier.

on the counter
an elementally stable core - 8,000
a dark monir woodsman sculpture - 15,000
an elementally churning core - 35,000
a handful of dark grey dust - 66,400
a handful of dark grey dust - 66,400
an inky black potion - 100,000
a short fat halfling statue - 250,000
a stygian valravn quill - 300,000

on the rack
a s'ayanad crystal - 3,000
an elementally stable core - 8,000
an elementally tranquil core - 10,000
an absorptive crackling core - 20,000
an elementally churning core - 35,000
an elementally churning core - 35,000
an elementally churning core - 35,000
a radiant crimson essence shard - 45,000
a green pulsating core - 50,000

For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.


I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.

For Sale in the Forums

shields lich ID 19470morgahan
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A few 4x weapons, locker clear-outjmeade83
2x per day dauntless 1606Virilneus
7x metal breastplate self mana undiseaseVirilneus
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg GreavesVirilneus
Landing shopmtnhooligan
Eahnor double chainstabbyrogue
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge)Myharl
7x elegant golvern short-shortVirilneus
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside)Radom
invar claidhmoregustamantis
4x, swcw macegustamantis
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc.Archigeek
super nice weapon harnesscerveza
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