Olisette's OutfittingMain Room
on the table some wide faenor bangles with bubble-filled amber inlay - 10,000 an obsidian dancing girl miniature - 10,000 a triple-tiered silver choker with opaline green dragonfly spacers - 15,000 a metallic gold silk ribbon - 25,000 a soft indigo velvet scarf - 25,000 a sideless pale nacre velvet gown - 25,000 a hematite and glass beaded ornament - 25,000 a gauzy amaryllis pink sundress - 50,000 a lustrous sea green taffeta dress - 50,000 a pair of smoky pewter vruul skin ankle-boots - 75,000 a sun-incised bronzed leather band - 100,000 some long skirts of layered linen and strings of bone beads - 100,000 a single-strapped white silk gown trimmed along the neckline with amethysts - 100,000 an enruned silver talisman - 1,500,000 an ornate vultite helm - 22,000,000 an aquamarine studded copper barrette - 25,000,000
| Olisette's OutfittingEast Room
on the table a polished gold burial vase - 20,000 some pallid grey leather slippers cross-laced in silk - 20,000 a hammered silver neckchain with a triangular pendant - 25,000 a low-collared lilac silk blouse patterned with crescents of flora-wound branches - 25,000 a flat and wide silver choker with glasswing butterfly spacers - 25,000 a platinum-hued gossamer overgown caught by a moonstone - 50,000 a fitted caramel jacquard corset with knee-length pendant sleeves - 50,000 a gauzy silk sun veil suspended from lotus-carved hair combs - 50,000 a lariat necklace of braided glaes chains - 50,000 a string of tiny jade beads - 50,000 a single-sleeve emerald silk gown patterned with tendrils of floral-laden vinework - 75,000 a hammered mithril circlet - 75,000 a silver-netted circlet interspersed with enamel starfish - 100,000 a four-strand electrum seer-stone - 250,000 a multitude of opal-strung chains worn low on the hips - 250,000 some glittery ebon starsilk boots buttoned with tiny curled mustaches - 1,000,000 a slim-necked carved ivory bottle - 2,000,000 a bronze and golden topaz necklace - 2,000,000
| Olisette's OutfittingWest Room
on the table a delicate silver ring set with a tiny white opal - 20,000 an opalescent glass platter draped in fragile snowflake lace - 20,000 a silk-strapped sage green cotton apron buttoned in mahogany - 25,000 an elongated onyx-inset wing suspended from jadewood beads - 25,000 a floriated silver spoon thumb ring - 25,000 a low-draping chalcedony sphere necklace - 25,000 a fitted ivory felt hat adorned with an opulent jeweled brooch - 25,000 a multi-strand copper and malachite bracelet - 25,000 an oak signet - 25,000 a hammered silver circlet - 25,000 some spun glass blue moon moth earrings - 25,000 an iron-wrought ouroboros medallion set with a black crystal - 50,000 a twisted bronze wire charm set with bits of dark amber - 50,000 a narrow-bladed onyx dagger pendant - 50,000 a crimson garnet teardrop-shaped brooch - 50,000 a visibly boned ebon lace corset - 100,000 a hip-tied flowing silver silk skirt - 100,000 a fine star emerald ring - 200,000 bead-worked brushed suede sling - 250,000 a carved bloodstone signet - 500,000 several tan leather strands strung with ivory fangs - 2,000,000 a silver-winged periwinkle pegasus on cloud-etched ivory wheels - 2,500,000 a wooden hair-braiding tool - 34,000,000