| Shop Items: 17130 | Shops: 430 by Virilneus (website) Azanoth (lich) Xygon (inspiration) |
Ouna's OutfittingMain Rooman enruned gold ring, 100 use. a crisp white linen shirt, IACL so you can untuck it at the waist. a lace-collared mint brocade jacket, a Fancy Coat. a swath of vibrant blue and green silk, IACL so you can ALTER it to drag behind you IF you so chose. a beveled bloodjewel clasp +2 Dex base EG swap Con, Dex, Agi, or Dis. the painted wooden box is a Misfit Toy RUB to cast Moonbeam Persists. on the counter a pair of goat hide trousers - 10,000 a mithril chain hauberk - 35,000 an embossed vultite shield - 90,000 a colorful painted wooden box decorated with leaves - 100,000 an onyx-handled ora crowbill - 100,000 a glaes-tipped mithglin dagger - 1,500,000 some grey elesine sandals with twisted indigo suede ties - 2,000,000 a medium-sized bolt of elesine cloth - 2,000,000 on the table an engraved silver pendant - 50,000 a burnished gold wand - 70,000 a lace-collared mint brocade jacket - 250,000 a lace-collared mint brocade jacket - 250,000 a swath of vibrant blue and green silk - 500,000 a star-cut star ruby band - 500,000 an ipantor composite bow - 750,000 a rune-carved pale ruic longbow - 1,000,000 a glaes-nocked mossbark short bow - 1,000,000 a deeply hooded grey elesine robe - 3,500,000 a filigreed silver torc - 5,000,000 |
For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.
I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.
shields lich ID 19470 | morgahan |
defender and enhansive runestaffs lich ID 19470 | morgahan |
A few 4x weapons, locker clear-out | jmeade83 |
2x per day dauntless 1606 | Virilneus |
7x metal breastplate self mana undisease | Virilneus |
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg Greaves | Virilneus |
Landing shop | mtnhooligan |
Eahnor double chain | stabbyrogue |
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge) | Myharl |
7x elegant golvern short-short | Virilneus |
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside) | Radom |
invar claidhmore | gustamantis |
4x, swcw mace | gustamantis |
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc. | Archigeek |
super nice weapon harness | cerveza |