Paeony's WeaponryMain Room
in the cabinet a dark ora handaxe - 50,000 a cracked invar handaxe - 60,000 a lump of white ora ore - 89,999 a lump of mithglin ore - 94,999 an ornate vultite greathelm - 149,999 a faenor-tipped ora langsax - 200,000 a jade-hilted veil iron broadsword - 249,999 some thick glaes full plate - 249,999 a mithril and pink topaz crown - 349,999 a scorched orase runestaff - 400,000 a sturdy deringo runestaff - 449,999 an ivory-inlaid pewter crown - 450,000 a sapphire-set sterling silver circlet - 450,000 a witchwood runestaff - 499,999 a chrysoberyl inset gold pendant - 499,999 a ruby-clasped gold mesh belt - 500,000 a mangled steel spoon - 500,000 a beryl-inset pewter talisman - 500,000 a chipped golvern war mattock - 1,999,999 a malachite-set silver neckchain - 1,999,999 a twisted branch of wyrwood - 3,000,000 a medium-sized bolt of elesine cloth - 5,000,000 a corroded vultite awl-pike - 5,000,000 a sigil-etched Faendryl headband - 10,000,000 an inky black vultite battle axe - 99,999,900
| Paeony's WeaponryEast Roomsephwir long bow: +28, 11CER [190 services], T1 Ensorcell Armor: +35, 11CER [200 services], T1 Ensorcell, Anfelt, maxlight, loresong unlocked T3 White Crystal (509 Strength) Baldric Fully unlocked Creepy Stole Harness and hood: Fully Unlocked Adventurewear
in the basket a vial of sand-like liquid - 100 a pinch of powdered iron filings - 4,000 an agate-inset mithril pin - 399,999 some light leather - 499,999 a rune-etched mithril medallion - 499,999 an ornate spiked ora aegis - 649,999 a silvery grey squirrel stole backed with pewter satin - 2,499,999 an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack - 2,499,999 a gold-stitched storm grey ivory-adorned baldric - 6,499,999 a scratched mithril fist-scythe - 9,999,999
in the bin a potent blue-green potion - 149,999 a fel-handled mithril battle axe - 199,999 a mithril-edged rolaren backsword - 349,999 a sturdy sephwir short bow - 447,999 a tanik-hafted ora trident - 499,999 a bronze-tipped veil iron awl-pike - 700,000 some ornate spiked ora chain mail - 999,999 some scratched ora half plate - 1,000,000 a lapis-inlaid pewter earcuff - 1,249,999 a rough fireleaf runestaff - 2,249,000 some old vultite arm greaves - 2,500,000 a rich sunset orange orb - 4,999,999 a shimmering violet orb - 24,999,900 an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack - 35,000,000 a slender ghezyte Niima's-embrace with a silver and niello-inlaid pommel - 225,000,000
| Paeony's WeaponryNorth RoomBulk gems in jars and chrisms on the counter. vultite tower shield: +35, -385, holy armament, spiked, grapple flares, S3, T2 Ensorcell, T2 Grobey, 6 lbs [max], tower shield
in the caddy a malachite-set sterling silver earcuff - 74,999 a grooved pyramidal glass jar - 75,000 a polished orase runestaff - 499,999 a pewter and ruby barrette - 674,999 a light yellow rolaren main gauche - 4,999,999
on the counter a vellum sheet of music - 10,000 a gold-rimmed cracked ivory cameo - 50,000 a gold-flecked crystalline key charm - 50,000 a grooved pyramidal glass jar - 75,000 a grooved pyramidal glass jar - 75,000 a pink pearl inset eonake barrette - 150,000 an ancient carmiln runestaff - 349,000 a glowing scroll - 449,000 a filigreed sterling silver crown - 499,999 an onyx-inlaid gold torc - 499,999 a vultite-edged mithril handaxe - 699,999 an acid-pitted lor runestaff - 749,999 a silver and blue tourmaline crown - 899,999 a heavy villswood runestaff - 999,999 a glistening kakore runestaff - 1,249,000 a lemon yellow hoarbeam long bow - 1,249,999 a large fireleaf runestaff - 2,000,000 a sephwir hand crossbow - 2,399,999 an acid-pitted lor runestaff - 9,000,000 a large vultite handaxe - 10,000,000