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Wehnimer's Landing - Room: 23

Lich Room ID: 359

rose-covered dark stone boutique

Paeony's Weaponry

Main Room

in the cabinet
a dark ora handaxe - 50,000
a cracked invar handaxe - 60,000
a lump of white ora ore - 89,999
a lump of mithglin ore - 94,999
an ornate vultite greathelm - 149,999
a faenor-tipped ora langsax - 200,000
a jade-hilted veil iron broadsword - 249,999
some thick glaes full plate - 249,999
a mithril and pink topaz crown - 349,999
a scorched orase runestaff - 400,000
a sturdy deringo runestaff - 449,999
an ivory-inlaid pewter crown - 450,000
a sapphire-set sterling silver circlet - 450,000
a witchwood runestaff - 499,999
a chrysoberyl inset gold pendant - 499,999
a ruby-clasped gold mesh belt - 500,000
a mangled steel spoon - 500,000
a beryl-inset pewter talisman - 500,000
a chipped golvern war mattock - 1,999,999
a malachite-set silver neckchain - 1,999,999
a twisted branch of wyrwood - 3,000,000
a medium-sized bolt of elesine cloth - 5,000,000
a corroded vultite awl-pike - 5,000,000
a sigil-etched Faendryl headband - 10,000,000
an inky black vultite battle axe - 99,999,900

Paeony's Weaponry

East Room

sephwir long bow: +28, 11CER [190 services], T1 Ensorcell Armor: +35, 11CER [200 services], T1 Ensorcell, Anfelt, maxlight, loresong unlocked T3 White Crystal (509 Strength) Baldric Fully unlocked Creepy Stole Harness and hood: Fully Unlocked Adventurewear

in the basket
a vial of sand-like liquid - 100
a pinch of powdered iron filings - 4,000
an agate-inset mithril pin - 399,999
some light leather - 499,999
a rune-etched mithril medallion - 499,999
an ornate spiked ora aegis - 649,999
a silvery grey squirrel stole backed with pewter satin - 2,499,999
an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack - 2,499,999
a gold-stitched storm grey ivory-adorned baldric - 6,499,999
a scratched mithril fist-scythe - 9,999,999

in the bin
a potent blue-green potion - 149,999
a fel-handled mithril battle axe - 199,999
a mithril-edged rolaren backsword - 349,999
a sturdy sephwir short bow - 447,999
a tanik-hafted ora trident - 499,999
a bronze-tipped veil iron awl-pike - 700,000
some ornate spiked ora chain mail - 999,999
some scratched ora half plate - 1,000,000
a lapis-inlaid pewter earcuff - 1,249,999
a rough fireleaf runestaff - 2,249,000
some old vultite arm greaves - 2,500,000
a rich sunset orange orb - 4,999,999
a shimmering violet orb - 24,999,900
an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack - 35,000,000
a slender ghezyte Niima's-embrace with a silver and niello-inlaid pommel - 225,000,000

Paeony's Weaponry

North Room

Bulk gems in jars and chrisms on the counter. vultite tower shield: +35, -385, holy armament, spiked, grapple flares, S3, T2 Ensorcell, T2 Grobey, 6 lbs [max], tower shield

in the caddy
a malachite-set sterling silver earcuff - 74,999
a grooved pyramidal glass jar - 75,000
a polished orase runestaff - 499,999
a pewter and ruby barrette - 674,999
a light yellow rolaren main gauche - 4,999,999

on the counter
a vellum sheet of music - 10,000
a gold-rimmed cracked ivory cameo - 50,000
a gold-flecked crystalline key charm - 50,000
a grooved pyramidal glass jar - 75,000
a grooved pyramidal glass jar - 75,000
a pink pearl inset eonake barrette - 150,000
an ancient carmiln runestaff - 349,000
a glowing scroll - 449,000
a filigreed sterling silver crown - 499,999
an onyx-inlaid gold torc - 499,999
a vultite-edged mithril handaxe - 699,999
an acid-pitted lor runestaff - 749,999
a silver and blue tourmaline crown - 899,999
a heavy villswood runestaff - 999,999
a glistening kakore runestaff - 1,249,000
a lemon yellow hoarbeam long bow - 1,249,999
a large fireleaf runestaff - 2,000,000
a sephwir hand crossbow - 2,399,999
an acid-pitted lor runestaff - 9,000,000
a large vultite handaxe - 10,000,000

For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.


I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.

For Sale in the Forums

shields lich ID 19470morgahan
defender and enhansive runestaffs lich ID 19470morgahan
A few 4x weapons, locker clear-outjmeade83
2x per day dauntless 1606Virilneus
7x metal breastplate self mana undiseaseVirilneus
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg GreavesVirilneus
Landing shopmtnhooligan
Eahnor double chainstabbyrogue
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge)Myharl
7x elegant golvern short-shortVirilneus
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside)Radom
invar claidhmoregustamantis
4x, swcw macegustamantis
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc.Archigeek
super nice weapon harnesscerveza
Want your stuff listed here? Post in the Forums.
