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Wehnimer's Landing - Room: 14

Lich Room ID: 365

grey stone workshop with massive mithril mauls flanking the door

Phang and Mel's

Main Room

Hello Mister Everybody! On the desk you'll find lightening and deepening notes, along with guild vaucher packs. The chest is mostly filled with enhancive jewelry items from Duskruin.
You can GET the items to see what they are. The bottles are 100 count alchemy/gem jars. The potion is a long-term self knowledge enhancive charger (1 month.)

in the chest
an emerald-set platinum pendant - 800,000
a hammered gold tiara - 1,000,000
a sapphire-set copper bracer - 1,000,000
a star-flanged vultite mace - 1,000,000
a polished spiked faewood shield - 1,000,000
an opal-inset platinum circlet - 2,000,000
a rune-etched copper ring - 2,000,000
a beryl-inset silver pendant - 2,500,000
a glittering mithril earcuff - 4,000,000
an ivory-inlaid mithril pendant - 5,000,000
a leaf green hoarbeam runestaff - 18,000,000
a heavy mesille runestaff - 20,000,000
a shimmering violet orb - 20,000,000
an archaic imflass pectoral - 54,000,000

on the desk
an onyx-inlaid silver medallion - 500,000
an elegant gold medallion - 700,000
a handful of sparkling dust - 1,000,000
a handful of fine firestone dust - 1,000,000
a strand of veniom thread - 2,500,000
a bloodstained blood-stained scroll - 5,000,000

Phang's Forge

East Room

Hello mister everybody! The lance is 4x perfect forge t3 ensorcell Vultite plate is 4x T2 Voln Armor with 6.5 CER of Crit Padding

on the forge
some old light leather - 1,000,000
an elegant lor runestaff - 1,000,000
an ornate golvern aegis - 1,000,000
an ornate imflass aventail - 3,000,000
an ornate spiked villswood shield - 10,000,000
a linden-traced vaalorn pectoral - 54,000,000

Warfly Workshop

North Room

Hello Mister Everybody!! Sheaths on the workbench weigh .5 and hold 5 weapons, reducing the weight of each by 2lbs while inside. Belt worn sheaths can have their location changed for free.
Just let me know after purchase. I also make custom sheaths which range from 100000-1000000!
Send chat for details. The flawless sledgehammers are perfect mithril mauls.
Any flawless weapon in the shop is perfectly forged.

on the rack
a deathstone inlaid leather weapon sling bound in silver - 500,000
a glacial white leather swordbelt inlaid with flickering snowfire rubies - 800,000
a flawless massive mithril sledgehammer etched with an angry skull - 4,000,000
a flawless mithril hatchet with a spike-capped pommel - 4,000,000
a flawless mithril hatchet with an ebonwood handle - 4,000,000
a flawless mithril waraxe etched with an angry skull - 4,000,000
a flawless massive mithril sledgehammer with an ebon-swept cherry red blazestar set in its haft - 4,000,000
a flawless massive mithril sledgehammer etched with an angry skull - 4,000,000
a perfect razern knuckle-blade - 5,000,000
a faenor claidhmore - 5,000,000

on the workbench
a black opal studded mithril torc - 600,000
a banded faewood runestaff - 2,000,000
a heavy eonake slab - 5,000,000
a heavy rolaren slab - 5,000,000
a heavy black ora slab - 5,000,000
a heavy rolaren slab - 5,000,000
a heavy veil iron slab - 5,000,000
a heavy golvern slab - 5,000,000
a heavy white ora slab - 5,000,000
a heavy razern slab - 5,000,000

For those who don't know Xygon quit, and so his playershops haven't been updated since August. We've decided to pick up his burden and carry on.


I would like to add Psinet Atlas RoomID information for each shop. I need a file either correlating AtlasIDs with LichIDs or AtlasIDs with the numeric IDs from Xygon's original playershop maps. If you would like to do this, please email it to me.

For Sale in the Forums

shields lich ID 19470morgahan
defender and enhansive runestaffs lich ID 19470morgahan
A few 4x weapons, locker clear-outjmeade83
2x per day dauntless 1606Virilneus
7x metal breastplate self mana undiseaseVirilneus
Spike Thorn Immunity Leg GreavesVirilneus
Landing shopmtnhooligan
Eahnor double chainstabbyrogue
Impressive High-End Ehancive White Ora Two-Hander (Flamerge)Myharl
7x elegant golvern short-shortVirilneus
Swilling's Shop in FWI & Jagar's Shop in Landing (links inside)Radom
invar claidhmoregustamantis
4x, swcw macegustamantis
Rift critter parts for all your AdvGld needs, or warrior sheath making, etc.Archigeek
super nice weapon harnesscerveza
Want your stuff listed here? Post in the Forums.
