Sairai's Magic ShoppeMain RoomPick your potion here; most are a full 7 doses. Go north for trinket selection; east for armors, staffs and some trinkets.
on the shelves a crystalline flask containing some milky blue oil - 5,000 a crystalline flask containing a dark murky potion - 5,500 a turbid aquamarine potion - 7,000 a light red tonic - 10,000 a greater mana regeneration potion - 40,000 a crystalline vial containing some minor holy oil - 40,000 a full mana potion - 45,000 a greater mana-well potion - 45,000 a glimmering sanguine potion - 50,000 a sparkling pink potion - 100,000 a sparkling pink potion - 100,000 a fiery ilvan'eth potion - 250,000 an earthy ilvan'eth potion - 250,000 an inky black potion - 700,000 an icy ilvan'eth potion - 750,000
on the table a foamy dark amber elixir - 500 a flask of acrid yellow oil - 1,000 an effervescent pink potion - 2,000 a crystalline flask containing a scintillating lilac potion - 6,100 a crystalline vial containing some anointing oil - 8,000 a pure potion - 10,000 a greater mana potion - 10,000 a pinkish-grey tonic - 10,000 a vivid blue bubbling potion - 20,000 a cloudy ilvan'eth potion - 750,000
| Sairai's Magic ShoppeEast RoomGo west for potions selection; west then north for trinkets. Quartz orbs and small statues 400 silvers per charge. Gold rings are set for the ferry by vipershroud. Armor and staffs are 3x in basket and 4x on the table.
in the basket a small statue - 9,600 a small statue - 10,800 a small statue - 10,800 a small statue - 11,600 some fringed yellow woolen robes - 20,000 a spiraled pale blue-stained mossbark staff - 100,000 a spiraled pale blue-stained mossbark staff - 100,000 a glowing urven'eth potion - 2,000,000
on the table a pinch of powdered iron filings - 3,500 a small statue - 11,200 some tooled light leather - 27,000 some light leather - 27,000 some light leather - 27,000 a thick villswood aegis - 30,000
| Sairai's Magic ShoppeNorth RoomPick your trinkets to assist in adventuring. Small statues, heavy moonstone cubes and heavy quartz orbs 400 silvers per charge. Powdered iron filings, granite triangles, gold coins,
firestone dust and deathstone granules 100 silvers per charge.
in the basket a pinch of powdered iron filings - 4,000 a vivid pink glassy sphere - 6,500 a glowing red crystal cube - 10,000 a heavy quartz orb - 12,000 a heavy moonstone cube - 16,000 a small ivory disc talisman - 25,000 a piece of crystalline chalk - 27,000 a shining yellow crystal prism - 200,000 a gleaming multicolored soulstone - 500,000 a radiant white soulstone - 1,000,000
on the table a blue crystal - 2,000 a solid bead of iridescent crystal - 3,000 a pale yellow crystal pyramid - 3,000 a dull gold coin - 3,700 a solid bead of fiery nacreous crystal - 6,000 a yellow crystal pyramid - 6,000 a runed bone talisman - 7,500 a heavy quartz orb - 12,400 a subtly carved wooden talisman - 60,000 a gleaming multicolored soulstone - 500,000