Seomanthe's WeaponryMain Roomlance is 6x, earring has all boost to (spirit lore religion 2) HP 2 (FA 3) INF 1, gold pin has 13 thrufels, sceptre 3 of blurs
in the bin a bent orase runestaff - 150,000 a silver-nocked carmiln heavy crossbow - 150,000 an ancient feras naginata - 250,000 a sigil-etched mossbark runestaff - 250,000 a well-balanced villswood runestaff - 250,000 a sigil-etched villswood runestaff - 250,000 a dull illthorn runestaff - 300,000 some light leather - 350,000 an acid-pitted orase runestaff - 1,000,000 a thick vultite shield - 4,000,000
in the cabinet a smooth fireleaf runestaff - 150,000 a mauve orase runestaff - 150,000 an embossed spiked villswood aegis - 200,000 a tanik-hafted vultite jeddart-axe - 250,000 a burnished spiked glaes shield - 300,000 a scratched spiked imflass aegis - 300,000 a burnished spiked glaes aegis - 300,000 an exquisite ora-spiked maul - 500,000 a large kakore runestaff - 750,000 a sigil-etched fireleaf runestaff - 1,000,000 a teak-handled vultite morning star - 7,000,000
| Seomanthe's General StoreNorth Roomcrystals have 10 rubs of mass colors House Aspis Craft Bazaar 2019 Items: ==================================== an emerald green leather weapon harness bound in silver: warrior guild crafted, max capacity a leather quiver: warrior guild crafted, max capacity
in the basket an acid-stained fireleaf runestaff - 150,000 a marquise-cut white sunstone ring - 200,000 an ornate mossbark runestaff - 200,000 a saw-toothed mithglin-edged whip-blade - 250,000 a gold-pommeled imflass falchion - 250,000 a cracked faewood runestaff - 500,000 a moonstone inset pewter stickpin - 500,000 a mithril backsword - 500,000
in the bin a soulstone inset mithril bracer - 100,000 a pale gold almond-shaped crystal - 100,000 a small faewood runestaff - 250,000 a dull ruic composite bow - 500,000 a scratched orase runestaff - 1,000,000 an onyx inset eonake circlet - 2,500,000 a birch-hafted gornar morning star - 3,000,000 a sturdy lor runestaff - 3,000,000 a banded faewood runestaff - 5,000,000
| Seomanthe's Magic ShoppeSouth RoomHouse Aspis Craft Bazaar 2019 Items: ==================================== a lacquered swordbelt inlaid with lute-shaped diamonds: warrior guild crafted, max capacity a laquered swordbelt: warrior guild crafted, max capacity ankle-cuffs and wristcuffs: embeddables
in the basket a dragon-carved teak ankle-cuff - 500 a dragon-carved teak ankle-cuff - 500 a dragon-carved teak wristcuff - 500 some ornate imflass half plate - 125,000 a burnished ruic heavy crossbow - 300,000 a mithglin helm - 500,000 a kelyn-hilted mithril falchion - 1,000,000
on the shelves a burled orase runestaff - 200,000 an amethyst inset pewter talisman - 300,000 an imflass augmented breastplate - 500,000 an onyx-handled glaes war mattock - 1,000,000 a faceted star emerald band - 1,500,000 a lapis-inlaid gold tiara - 2,500,000