Shallimar's Magic ShoppeMain RoomWelcome to Shallimart! Stock will rotate as my lockers clear out The more you buy the more you see Thank You Come Again
in the cabinet a small glowing vial - 15,000 a steel measuring stick - 50,000 a seemless brushed silver choker etched with small primroses - 250,000 a veniom-hilted mithglin longsword - 300,000 a gleaming pink tourmaline tiara - 1,000,000 a jade-inlaid gold pendant - 1,000,000 a lapis-inlaid copper neckchain - 1,500,000 a veil iron discus - 2,000,000 a steel-capped mesille runestaff - 5,000,000 a poplar-hafted zorchar javelin - 5,000,000 a miniature veil-iron gong - 10,000,000 a rune-covered veil iron box - 20,000,000 a rune-covered veil iron box - 20,000,000 an ebon-framed miniature portrait - 999,999,900
on the table an umber copper-flecked crystal - 30,000 a gold filigree wedding ring - 50,000 a gold filigree wedding band - 50,000 a flint and steel linked by a silver chain - 50,000 a long yellow silk tailor's tape measure woven with Four Winds symbols in alternating gold and silver thread - 750,000 a miniature veil-iron gong - 10,000,000
| Shallimar's WeaponryMain Room~ the elementalist miniature is a seigery toy ~
on the hooks an elegant fireleaf runestaff - 100,000 a flexing arm token - 100,000 an oak-handled ora mace - 100,000 an ornate drakar bastard sword - 500,000 some old vultite studded leather - 750,000 an ora estoc - 1,000,000 an imflass military pick - 1,000,000 a gold-nocked yew composite bow - 1,000,000 a gold-edged ora-tipped whip-blade - 1,000,000 an invar-hilted imflass falchion - 1,000,000 a delicate silver chain with faceted crystal faerie charms - 2,000,000 a gleaming veil iron shield - 2,000,000 a damaged rolaren bastard sword - 2,000,000 a wyrwood hand crossbow - 2,000,000 an oak-handled veil iron war hammer - 2,000,000 a vaalorn military pick - 2,000,000 a black walnut-hilted longsword - 3,000,000 a hefty mithril close helm with a frosty rhimar faceplate - 5,000,000
on the rack a scratched vaalorn shield - 80,000 a glowbark runestaff - 500,000 a fancy basket-hilted white ora khopesh etched with the likeness of an Ur-Daemon - 10,000,000 a spiked rolaren defender - 100,000,000
| Shallimar's Magic ShoppeMain Roomgold neckless is recharcgable spider rings teleport
in the chest an onyx-inlaid amber medallion - 20,000 an inky black potion bag covered in bloodsplatter - 200,000 a bottle of tawny liquid - 270,000 a burnished glowbark aegis - 500,000 a well-balanced glowbark runestaff - 500,000 a royal blue glaes longsword - 500,000 some embossed light leather - 1,000,000 a heavy rolaren slab - 1,000,000 a heavy eonake slab - 2,000,000 a heavy golvern slab - 2,500,000 a heavy golvern slab - 2,500,000 a heavy veil iron slab - 3,000,000 a carved spiked villswood buckler - 5,000,000 a large octagonal glass jar - 10,000,000 a large octagonal glass jar - 10,000,000 a large octagonal glass jar - 10,000,000 a large octagonal glass jar - 10,000,000 a large octagonal glass jar - 10,000,000
on the counter a skein of mithglin-hued spidersilk yarn - 50,000 a thin black crisp-paged ledger - 200,000 a patinated bronze pin - 500,000