The Freeport ExchangeMain RoomScabbard is a max unlocked holy sheath that can be switched between thigh and belt worn.
on the counter a small statue - 3,999 a small brass cog suspended from a thin silver chain - 1,000,000 a glyph-etched gold band - 1,000,000 a mesille runestaff - 1,000,000 an elegant villswood long bow - 1,000,000 a dreamstone inset gold crown - 1,000,000 a scratched rowan runestaff - 1,000,000 a square-cut pink dreamstone torc - 1,000,000 an enruned silver medallion - 1,000,000 a rune-etched sterling silver headband - 1,000,000 a polished aquamarine torc - 1,000,000 a gleaming mithril helm - 1,000,000 a chrysoberyl inset ora band - 1,000,000 some scarred reinforced leather - 1,000,000 a glittering silver torc - 1,000,000 a blackened vultite greathelm - 1,500,000 a glittering white starstone necklace - 2,000,000 a dented rhimar longsword - 2,000,000 a scratched vultite greathelm - 2,000,000 a long-cut amethyst torc - 2,000,000 a strand of veniom thread - 2,000,000 a polychromatic vellum voucher - 5,000,000 a prismatic slip - 35,000,000
on the table a turquoise-set gold medallion - 1,000,000 a jade-inlaid copper tiara - 1,000,000
| The Freeport ExchangeEast RoomBadelaire has Steel Skin Flares (+10 CER DP) and Decently Crit weighted. lor runestaff is 6x and S5 sanct.
on the counter a vial of crimson-swirled poison - 20,000 a Lumnis schedule - 25,000 a filigreed platinum crown - 750,000 a scratched mithril chain hauberk - 1,000,000 a pearl and firestone tiara - 1,000,000 a gleaming ora greathelm - 1,000,000 a sea green orase runestaff - 1,000,000 a polished spiked mithril aegis - 1,000,000 a burnished witchwood runestaff - 1,000,000 a jade-handled imflass trident - 2,000,000 a small imflass flamberge - 2,500,000 a mesille runestaff - 3,000,000 an old ora greathelm - 5,000,000 a fireleaf runestaff - 5,000,000 an exquisite lor runestaff - 20,000,000 a dilute copper ayan'eth potion - 27,000,000 a dilute golden ayan'eth potion - 40,000,000 a wickedly sharp badelaire - 75,000,000
| The Freeport ExchangeWest Room
on the counter an unremarkable apothecary kit - 10,000 a vial of crimson-swirled poison - 20,000 a vial of dull greyish poison - 20,000 a hollowed glass rod inset with a zorchar filament - 250,000 a handful of sparkling dust - 250,000 a rectangular green crystal bottle - 500,000 some scorched reinforced leather - 1,000,000 a gleaming blue tourmaline bracelet - 1,000,000 some mithglin studded leather - 1,000,000 an old kakore shield - 1,000,000 a tooled mithril pendant - 1,000,000 a scratched ora greathelm - 1,000,000 an orase runestaff - 1,000,000 a rectangular green crystal bottle - 1,500,000 a rectangular green crystal bottle - 1,500,000 a rectangular green crystal bottle - 1,950,000 a potent yellow-green potion - 2,000,000 a potent yellow-green potion - 2,000,000 a deep black rolaren falchion - 2,500,000 a cedar-hafted mithglin flail - 2,500,000 a spirit change note - 5,000,000