The Grandfather's WaresMain RoomShop at your own risk. The cloth-of-vaalin robe is a 5x, fully double-unlocked Auction Quality cloth armor Xojium robe. The hazy green potion(s) is/are FIXSTAT potions.
in the caddy a toasted wheat bagel - 50,000 a saucer of cream cheese - 50,000
on the counter a dish of slightly melted butter - 50,000 a pickled egg - 50,000 a bright crimson glass sphere - 50,000 a munched-on lightly toasted bagel - 50,000 a perfect dill pickle - 50,000 a scrimshawed white stein of juice - 50,000 a large sourdough bagel - 50,000 a small shadowy black crystal sphere - 200,000 a small shadowy black crystal sphere - 200,000 a small shadowy black crystal sphere - 200,000 a small shadowy black crystal sphere - 200,000 a black opal-set pendant - 250,000 some smooth crystal worry stones - 250,000 a yellow neck pouch embroidered with the Wizard Guild's insignia in bright crimson spidersilk - 500,000 a folded yellow canvas tent - 2,000,000 a tanned leather sheath - 2,500,000 a cloth-of-vaalin robe - 60,000,000 a shop permit - 999,999,900 a shop permit - 999,999,900
| The Grandfather's WaresNorth RoomShop at your own risk. The staffs are both wooden and glaes. Somehow. The monocle is extremely dangerous.
on the counter a glaes wooden staff - 12,500 a small coin-shaped token - 15,000 a hole-ridden boot - 25,000 some dried-out journey bread crumbs - 50,000 a perfect dill pickle - 50,000 a chewed-on buttered bagel - 50,000 a half chewed-on bagel - 50,000 a chewy sea salt-topped bagel - 50,000 a dented riveted tin monocle - 250,000 a burnished copper Elanthia globe - 300,000 a glossy obsidian Lornon globe - 300,000 a pitted moonstone Liabo globe - 300,000 a faceted ruby Tilaok globe - 300,000 a small violet flag - 999,999 a handful of mint leaves - 999,999 a white cloth flag - 999,999 a bloodstained white linen flag - 999,999 a small red flag - 999,999 a small green flag - 999,999 a small yellow flag - 999,999 a black cloth flag - 999,999 a small gold flag - 999,999 a small orange flag - 999,999 a small blue flag - 999,999
| The Grandfather's WaresSouth RoomShop at your own risk. Votives are strength enhancives if you have the proper windlamp to light them in.
on the counter a crystal clear potion vial - 5,000 a blood red liquid-filled vial - 5,000 a ruic block - 12,000 a dingy dish rag - 50,000 a giant pumpkin cookie - 50,000 a red votive - 100,000 a Chronomage rush ticket - 100,000 a glaes sai hilt-glyph - 100,000 a faded parchment sealed with a blob of wax - 125,000 a glittering copper barrette - 500,000 a golden wheat sheaf-shaped amulet - 500,000 a thick strip of white gauze - 750,000 a scuttling bronze crab with enormous claws - 1,250,000 a fine mithril pin - 1,500,000 an onyx and beryl pin - 1,500,000 a studded leather gorget - 1,500,000 a partner's register - 999,999,900 a partner's register - 999,999,900