Toxyrox's OutfittingMain Room~~~IN THE MISTWOOD CABINET~~~ The mistwood and ebonwood boxes are fully unlocked perfuminator perfume storage boxes! The jewelry is perfume-holding jewelry! READ the bottles to see the name of the perfume, then visit to see descriptions of the scents!
in the cabinet a rainbow obsidian bottle bound with wavy strands of silver - 400,000 a cyan-hued arcrose bottle adorned with cobalt enamel stars - 400,000 a golden brown pie-shaped bottle - 400,000 a rainbow obsidian inverted pentacle charm - 500,000
on the counter a translucent glaes jar containing dragonfire quartz - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing white dreamstones - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing red dreamstones - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing cats-eye moonstones - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing cats-eye moonstones - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing white starstones - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing green starstones - 50,000 a translucent glaes jar containing red sunstones - 50,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut rubies - 100,000 a pair of rotting rolton pelt riding boots buckled with riveted mithril - 100,000 a pink leopard skin axe frog bound in veniom - 100,000 some opal-sheened stingray skin calf-high boots buttoned with grey pearls - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut star-of-Tamzyrr diamonds - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut rubies - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing Kezmonian honey beryls - 350,000
| Toxyrox's OutfittingEast Room
Welcome to Toxy's Footwear! Custom made footwear ~ 250,000 silvers Contact Master Cobbler Toxyrox Quar'Hessin Faendryl!
on the rack an opalescent glass jar containing blue topazes - 40,000 a pair of woven chain mesh riding boots - 50,000 an alum bound rotting rolton pelt baldric - 80,000 a vultite bound rotting rolton pelt axe frog - 80,000 a pair of ankle-strapped pumpkin leather shoes with a ruffled vamp - 100,000 some shark skin spike-heeled boots laced with tattered netting - 100,000 a pair of wispy grifflet down-lined brindlecat hide ankle-boots - 100,000 a pair of naraina ankle-boots - 100,000 a pair of superb vine-tooled suede ankle-boots buttoned with red roestones - 100,000 a steel bound leather axe frog - 100,000
on the table a translucent glaes jar containing pink dreamstones - 80,000 a pair of pitch black kobold skin boots laced with gold suede - 100,000 some drake-embossed hide riding boots buckled with drake-patterned invar - 100,000 a pair of triton magus hide riding boots trimmed with drake-embossed hides - 100,000 a pair of cobra skin riding boots buckled with pentacle-cut steel - 100,000 a pair of hellebore red flame-patterned gauze shoes - 100,000 a black kobold skin axe frog bound in gold - 100,000 a pair of gold-veined despanal charm-buttoned python skin dancing shoes - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut rubies - 100,000 some superb plush fur-lined rotting rolton pelt riding boots - 100,000
| Toxyrox's OutfittingNorth Room
on the counter a translucent glaes jar containing green dreamstones - 40,000 a translucent glaes jar containing yellow sunstones - 80,000 a translucent glaes jar containing white starstones - 80,000 a translucent glaes jar containing asterfire quartz - 100,000 a translucent glaes jar containing asterfire quartz - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing selanthan bloodjewels - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing selanthan bloodjewels - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut star-of-Tamzyrr diamonds - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut star-of-Tamzyrr diamonds - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut rubies - 100,000 a ribbon-tied silver punch - 400,000 a blood red ruby-inlaid ora punch - 400,000 a matte black metal punch - 400,000 a muted gold punch - 400,000 a patinated copper punch - 400,000 an ivory-inlaid steel punch - 400,000
on the rack a pair of whale skin calf-high boots trimmed with some tattered netting - 100,000 an opalescent glass jar containing uncut rubies - 100,000 an ora trimmed leather axe frog fringed with minotaur horns - 100,000 a pair of rose pink star-painted canvas shoes - 100,000