Tservin's WeaponryMain Room
in the cabinet a thick spiked imflass buckler - 59,999 a burled mossbark runestaff - 74,999 a flimsy rowan runestaff - 199,999 a large kakore runestaff - 199,999 a tanik-hafted imflass morning star - 222,222 a vultite longsword - 399,999 some mottled black double leathers - 499,999 a burnished fireleaf shield - 500,000 a scorched ruic long bow - 500,000 a scratched mithril trident - 666,666 a ruby-pommeled imflass machete - 1,399,999 a ruic composite bow - 3,333,333 an engraved orase runestaff - 9,999,999
on the counter a malachite studded copper headband - 111,111 a rolaren-edged vaalorn longsword - 333,333 an old spiked villswood shield - 444,444 a ruby-inset platinum crown - 444,444 a bone-inlaid sterling silver buckle - 499,999 a rune-etched pewter stickpin - 666,666 some polished reinforced leather - 777,777 an old glaes metal breastplate - 2,222,222
| Tservin's OutfittingEast Room
in the cabinet a flexing arm token - 50,000 a long rat snake - 100,000 a banded coral snake - 125,000 a many-horned sand grey adder - 150,000 a banded snub-nosed copperhead - 200,000 a pear-cut red dreamstone medallion - 500,000 a fine red sunstone torc - 4,999,999 some scorched full leather - 5,999,999
on the table an intertwining imflass choker riddled with tiny swallowtail butterflies - 100,000 a trio of veniom bangles spangled in tiny blue-violet dragonflies - 100,000 a series of entwined mithril and dusky blue sapphire armbands - 100,000 a double-tiered platinum choker dripping violet duskjewels - 100,000 a filigreed imflass circlet haloed in vermilion firedrop cabochons - 100,000 a labyrinthine veniom choker riddled with tiny nimbus opals - 100,000 a quartet of veniom bangles spangled in tiny nimbus opals - 100,000 a brushed mithril bangle with black nightstone inlay - 100,000 a delicate rose gold necklace strung with a vinca-incised lavender soulstone pendant - 100,000 a floral-motif gold back pendant silhouetted by silvery green everine-leafed botanicals - 100,000 several thin alternating gold and silvery green everine bangles - 100,000 a beryl-inset platinum stickpin - 250,000 an enruned imflass stickpin - 2,999,999 a coral and chrysoberyl pendant - 3,500,000 a scalloped ebon-cored jewel aswirl with glassy transparency - 10,000,000 a gold-spined leather order book - 25,000,000
| Tservin's ArmoryNorth Room
in the caddy a table leg - 999 a rusty doorknob - 999 a scratched spiked mithglin greatshield - 399,999 a rolaren augmented breastplate - 999,999 a studded imflass mace - 4,444,444
on the table a moldy bone - 999 a chipped brick - 999 a thick mossbark aegis - 199,999 a blackened spiked mithglin shield - 199,999 a fire opal inset ora armband - 199,999 a veil iron aegis - 333,333 a blackened golvern aegis - 333,333 a drakar jackblade - 666,666 a carved rowan runestaff - 749,999 a modwir-hafted faenor halberd - 777,777 some old reinforced leather - 2,222,222 a veniom-hilted golvern short sword - 2,499,999 some tooled spiked reinforced leather - 2,999,999 an ornate vultite aegis - 7,777,777 some thick vultite full plate - 7,777,777 some thick vaalorn half plate - 11,111,100