Xarian's Extraordinary EmporiumMain RoomWelcome! This shop sign is a work in progress at the moment. If you have questions contact me.
in the vault a gnarled wrotwood torch - 500,000 an oval fireleaf buckler emblazoned with three embowed silver fish - 500,000 a rhimar-runed scepter capped with a glowing icy blue orb - 1,000,000 a gornar-runed scepter capped with a glowing grey stone orb - 1,000,000 a mesille runestaff - 1,000,000 a polished villswood heavy crossbow with a bolt-etched tiller - 1,200,000 some etched spiked imflass chain mail - 1,500,000 a faewood runestaff - 2,200,000 a thick mithril chain hauberk - 3,000,000 a mithril-weighted blackjack - 3,000,000 a blackened vultite chain hauberk - 3,000,000 a gold-capped mossbark runestaff - 3,500,000 a polished villswood runestaff - 5,000,000 some burnished spiked cuirbouilli leather - 8,000,000
on the table some murkweed - 50,000 a cracked white skull symbol inset with black marble eyes - 750,000 a void black deathstone symbol carved into a scimitar - 750,000 a deep black doomstone pendant adorned with a shattered skull - 750,000 a burnished spiked fireleaf shield - 1,000,000 a slim leather-bound tome embossed with silver - 1,400,000 a small brown leather tome stamped with a gold rune - 1,400,000 a tattered cloth-bound manual - 1,400,000 an azure-inked pale vellum text - 1,400,000 an azure-inked pale vellum text - 1,400,000
| Items of WarEast RoomIf you smell something, do not be alarmed. It's just my ex wife that is buried under the shop. She spent all my money while she was alive. Now that she is dead she can be close to my money all she wants without being able to spend it.
in the vault a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of gornar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of rhimar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of rhimar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of gornar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of rhimar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of gornar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of rhimar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of gornar arrowheads - 159,000 a bundle of drakar arrowheads - 159,000 a pale golden ruic longbow carved with corrosive acid droplets - 1,075,000 a pale golden ruic longbow carved with stylized flames - 1,075,000 a pale golden ruic longbow carved with an ice-shard motif - 1,075,000 a pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts - 1,075,000 a recurve ruic composite bow with a blue suede grip - 1,156,000 a recurve ruic composite bow with a green suede grip - 1,156,000 a recurve ruic composite bow with a red suede grip - 1,156,000 a recurve ruic composite bow with a silver suede grip - 1,156,000
on the table a stalk of drakefern - 50,000 some murkweed - 50,000
| Ye Olde Magic ShoppeWest RoomWelcome to Bakira's nook! This sign is under construction, but please contact Bakira with questions. Thanks! Small Statues are 500 per charge
in the vault an exquisite witchwood runestaff - 100,000 a gleaming mithglin greathelm - 200,000 a faenor-tipped imflass broadsword - 200,000 a large zorchar falchion - 200,000 some ornate spiked rolaren leg greaves - 200,000 an old steel greatshield - 400,000 a mossbark composite bow - 1,000,000
on the table a small statue - 10,000 a small statue - 10,500 a small statue - 10,500 a small statue - 10,500 a small statue - 10,500 a small statue - 11,500 a small statue - 11,500